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Topics - derbygirl

Custody Issues / Advice on therapist situation
Apr 30, 2013, 03:04:48 PM
   I'm looking for some advice for my husband. He is in the middle of a custody battle with his ex for custody of his son (8 yrs old). I'm not going to get into the gory details anymore than necessary. They currently have joint physical and joint legal with mom being primary residential. My husband began seeking a modification of the current custody order in April of 2012. Mom began taking their son to a therapist within 2 wks of the first letter sent to her attorney although she not only did not discuss it with my husband but she kept it a secret from everyone including my stepson's GAL until the end of Sept when she appeared with a recommendation from the therapist that dad should only have 2 hr supervised visitation based on complete lies that stepson told the therapist. Luckily for dad one of the lies that mom had stepson tell the therapist was that he didn't have a bed or bedroom at dad's house because dad gave let one of his friends move in and gave the friend his bedroom. Apparantly, mom was unaware that this friend of dad's not only did not live at our house but had passed away in a motorcycle accident several months before. Once dad had a chance to talk to the therapist and prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that this was a lie it wasn't long before stepson admitted that his mother had told him to say all those things and that they weren't true. He also told his therapist about some pretty major issues that were occuring in mom's home. Once stepson began telling his therapist the truth about everything mom decided that she needed to find a new therapist again doing so without talking to anyone. Dad found out from the current therapist about mom wanting to switch and contacted the GAL about the issue. GAL sent out a recommendation to both parties that therapy should continue with current therapist and not switch. Mom switched anyway and Dad is continuing with current therapist. My stepson has already told his current therapist that mom has told him what to say to the new therapist and that he got in big trouble for telling current therapist the truth about mom's house. Dad has spoken with the new therapist and told her that he was not ok with the change and that he was continuing therapy with the old therapist. The new therapist also wanted to meet with dad but dad refused. Partly because he's tired of playing mom's games and stepson was making progress with the old therapist. His teacher had noticed a difference in his attitude about the time he told therapist the truth. The other reason is we just can't afford to see 2 therapist. We really can't afford 1 but stepson def needs therapy so we make it happen. My question is 1. Should dad meet with the new therapist? and 2. If mom does the same thing with the new therapist that she originally did with the old will the court take that seriously? He has only seen new therapist 3 times so far and we are only a month away from trial whereas he's been seeing the old therapist for over a year.
My husband and I are getting ready to file for modification to attempt to get custody of his son. We have an attorney and started communication through ours and hers. Her response basically avoided the issues we presented which are very real and have proof of and then came back with multiple claims all were lies. Now 1 of her "issues" are just her word against our no real way to prove they are lies. However, 2 we have documented proof that they are lies and 2 can't be proven but it doesn't make much common sense. We live in a rural community and so we know exactly which judge we will see as there is only one. I have a lot of respect for him and he is extremely intelligent so I have little doubt he will see through her as he did at the last modification 5 yrs ago in which we were just asking for more time as SS was getting older. I have written down and gotten any documented proof of every incident that has ever occurred since SS was born (my husband and I had our first date the day before the pregnancy announcement). We also have school records and medical records. Have visited the school and talked to his teacher and guidance counselor. We have not attended school events although there have only been 2  but only because we were not informed of the events. This has been remedied as the school said they will now send any annoucements about events to our home as well as sending them with SS. My question is am I missing anything. I want to be as prepared as possible our lawyer feels we have a very strong case and I want to make sure I'm doing everything right.