Your story is so sad! It is not uncommon though at all really. I have done much reading on this topic because my boyfriend has a daughter and her mother chose to accuse my daughter of sexual abuse. Sexual abuse claims that come out during custody/divorce situations is fairly common and usually the most destructive way of gaining custody but yet successful.
Your story sounds like your ex fits the profile of a woman who would claim her child is sexually abused. What I have been reading is that woman who do this are usually adultrous and have several failed relationships due to their cheating. They also seem to have at first abandoned thier children then regret that and want them back. They seem to be currently in or have past history of relationships with men who are violent and comit things like dv or get into frequent physical fights with other men. Most also seem to have a personality disorder sometimes not even dx'd but usually show symptioms of boarderling/narsistic/histryonic persons. They also usually have low self esteem or self worth. They also like to play the role of vitim or appear to be a savior of some sort. They also have a problem handling money. This is just info I have collected from posts and papers on the topic I have read. I don't know how many apply to your case. I dont know your ex.
I suggest you look at // several men who have been accused of sex abuse on a child post there some have proved they are innocent. Some woman who love these men (second wifes) have posted there as well. They may be able to guide you.
Your story sounds like your ex fits the profile of a woman who would claim her child is sexually abused. What I have been reading is that woman who do this are usually adultrous and have several failed relationships due to their cheating. They also seem to have at first abandoned thier children then regret that and want them back. They seem to be currently in or have past history of relationships with men who are violent and comit things like dv or get into frequent physical fights with other men. Most also seem to have a personality disorder sometimes not even dx'd but usually show symptioms of boarderling/narsistic/histryonic persons. They also usually have low self esteem or self worth. They also like to play the role of vitim or appear to be a savior of some sort. They also have a problem handling money. This is just info I have collected from posts and papers on the topic I have read. I don't know how many apply to your case. I dont know your ex.
I suggest you look at // several men who have been accused of sex abuse on a child post there some have proved they are innocent. Some woman who love these men (second wifes) have posted there as well. They may be able to guide you.