The BM did not show for her drug test...shocking!!! CPS still says they can't tell me anything and he has to speak with his supervisor for his next step. The kids are telling stuff but now we CPS is acting like the boyfriend is just kidding and they can't really substantiate abuse. I'm so sick of all this nonsense!!! I spoke with a lawyer who said its a gamble and if CPS won't make a move then its still hear say. He hopes to get the judge to talk to the child but it's still a gamble on what the child will say. I couldn't retain him yet because I have to scrape the money together (for the third time in 5 years to take her back to court). The only good thing as the lawyer said is that I have nothing to lose. He said worst case scenario is I walk out with same orders I walked in with but he thinks there will definately be changes. Just unsure of supervised visits being back in place...EVER. I know men that have done nothing to their children and don't get extended visitation but this woman has a history of neglect and meth use and still gets visitation.... rediculous!!!