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Messages - spinner

can someone point me again to the new child support calculation text and law? in MN.

Also I remember reading that there would be guidelines as to parents that are under employed, ... anyone has info on that ?
Referee in an order refers to the "supreme court guidelines for parenting time for a child age, ...."
where can I find these guidelines ?
Well finaly we got to court and the judge explained to my ex that shared custody meant that she had to share and take decisions with me.

she did butt head with the judge and the judge did not like that at all.

After the hearing, seems like the ex is comming to sense and gave me any information I needed regarding our kid.

There might be hope :)
I am looking for the online forms to file a motion for contempt.
Can anyone help me?
I would think so that an 11 years old has a say in court but who knows what the judge can do.
why not file a motion on the daughter's behalf ?
with school, summer is the best time, in september it will be too late, they'lll never change her from 1 school to the other during school year

keep us posted
ok so let me paint the picture:

- Our son and I has familly in europe (note we are all american anyway)
- we weent to europe in vacation before
- I asked ex to give a written approval to go this summer as per our court order
- ex refused, and denied mediation
- I filed a motion to authorise me to go to europe with our child (not heard yet)
- I had a friend mail ex and her attorney the motion and papers certified return receipt and done affidavit of service
- Ex and I have a mutual agreement not to go by each other's home, ... mutually agreed restraining order
- the letter had my address as return address so I would get the return receipt
- Ex contacted me (on the only agreed way: by a web site) to tell me that she received letter but decided not to open it as it violate the mutually agreed restraining order (note the order doesn't say I can't mail her anyway).

So from my point of view, I served her with the motion, her attorney as well, filled with court, she even tell me she received it BUT refuses to open the letter, ...
Do I need to worry?

what is going to happen in court if she does not show up ?
I also have proof that her attorney of record received the motion, ....

any insights?
how about by mail?
17 days ?
sent by someone else?
there is the 4th of July in there, ... is it 17 busyness days ?

Someone has the "rule" ?
Minnesota State Forum / oh I was wondering too?
Jun 12, 2005, 06:44:02 AM
can you have a friend do the mailing and the affidavit of service ?

or does it have to be a legal person ?
Thanks a lot, I found the form, perfect

where could I find exactly the number of days ?
23 days is that busyness days or regular days ?

how could I get a definate answer on this ?