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Started by skye, Oct 07, 2004, 02:18:18 PM

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You and your daughter are still in our prayers. We are still praying for the best for you and most important for your daughter!!

Stepmom0418 and family!


All of your words mean a lot to me. I just hope Judge M. has the courage to do what is right not what is PC. In small towns & counties it is often too much to ask but I am reminded by counsel and others who know him that this judge as a divorced dad knows what I am up against and will be a fair jurist. I hope I am still saying that when the time comes.


Keep praying Aussie! I am have a feeling that the child will win in this!! I believe that if you keep up your hard work, faith, courage that something good has to come of all of this and the your daughter will be safe and out of harms way!


2 weeks ago my daughter's therapist told me on a recorded call that she didn't believe that mum suffered from the things that she was diagnosed with. She made these statements despite having insufficient credentials to do so. The therapist refuses to meet with me to discuss the status of the therapy that she is providing even though she is legally required to do so. She will not present a treatment plan because she has none. She has outgrown her usefulness. It is my job as my child's father to protect her from this unnecessary therapy. It is just hard with the threats from the GAL. I shall continue on because I think it is the right thing to do.



Aussie, You know your daughter the best and you know what is in her best interest!! You do what you have to do to protect your daughter but as you are doing the best for your daughter always remember to CYA as well!!

I personally believe that you are looking out for your daughter in all you are doing! I compliment you for that! Your daughter will thank you later in life for all you have done and continue to do!

You and your daughter will remain in my prayers as this continues! Please keep us posted here at sparc as I know that others are concerned as well.

I pray that the courts will put a stop to the maddness and protect you and your daughter!


I am doing what I think is right because I am trying to contemplate what it must be like for my child as she suffers through this. I continue to push for the court appointed psychologist to meet with the GAL & my child's therapist to explain to them what suffering from BPD etc. really means to my daughter in terms of mum's ability to parent. The ladies are resistant but the logic is sound. We are still awaiting a response to our request for a treatment plan which she does not have but before I take her to task I want to give her the chance to produce it. We'll see. I am not holding my breath.



Some late breaking news. My daughter's therapist has decided to quit the case. She cited the reaon that the bond between therapist & patient had been broken because according to her my daughter said that I told her that she should not talk to the therapist any more. This therapist is not to be trusted anyways because her progress notes often do not reflect what she chooses to say to others associated in this case. More about that in a future endeavor.

Anyway of course I did not know about this and found out only when the GAL filed a motion with the court to get a status hearing to appoint a new therapist. We obejcted by fax but will object formally in a motion on monday regarding this. Unfortunately the GAL as I have said before orders up therapy like fast food for a problem that she does not truly understand. Maybe therapy for my daughter is warranted but maybe it is not. Applying inappropriate therapy can be more dangerous to a child such as mine than not applying it at all - see Hickman Reynolds report accepted by the court under learned treatise.

I remain steadfast in my position. I do not object to an evaluation by the most qualified and informed authority on this case - one of the two PhD court experts would be ok. However, the GAL and mum want to get a new expert - they do not like the others the court has appointed as they have found in my favor. This new expert is a CPS biggot and they want to try and have another go at the child abuse accusations nearly 1 1/2 years after they occurred. Mum accused me though counsel this last week of manipulating the court appointed psychologist who found her to have the complex personality disorder problem that she suffers from.

I say let's evaluate my daughter. If a qualified person says that she is in need of therapy then we will select a therapist with the qualifications to help her. If not then the therapy is done. Read - Aim - Shoot is a world better than Ready - Shoot - Aim. The GAL has taken it upon herself to create a new standard for what unsubstantiated means, she has called me a groomer and she aligns herself to mum which is unacceptable to me and it should be to the court but sadly the courts thus far have felt that any GAL is better than no GAL. I do not concur.

The reality is that my daughter's former therapist quit the case not due to my daughter's alleged statement that she no longer wanted to speak with her but because we requested a treatment plan which she is required to produce. She should have done one on intake and modified it each 3-4 months with parental review & approval but she did not. Now she knows she cannot just write one and send it out because we would ask where the hell the document was 14 months ago. She knows that not producing one is not an option either. So she is stuck. If she quits the case maybe we will just go away and leave her alone. This woman has a reputation in this community for being lazy and doing very sloppy documentation of her progress notes. We have caught her in 4-5 not insignificant problems relative to her correspondence & her case notes and now she knows that if she does not produce this treatment plan I will go after her with the Arizona Board of Behaviorial Examiners. Not that they are anything to shout about but the lack of a treatment plan is not something she can just walk away from that easily.

My point is what did this therapist think she was counseling my child for? What empirical methods did she use to measure progress? What was the diagnosis? This therapist has already had her hand slapped by the court appointed PhD for her insane comments on the benefits to my child of allowing an out of state relocation by mother over my objection. The therapist claimed she was using "psychoeducational" techniques on my daughter who is 5. These techniques are only known to work with people who have confirmed mental disorder like schizophrenia. The modality was ill placed and to be quite candid she did not know what she was talking about. An MS whose head grew to a PhD without the real qualification. The court appointed psychologist made these statements regarding her errors in judgment in court and in writing. This wounded the therapist who has a fairly decent reputation locally and now she decides to move on. I am sure my child is not the first who has told her I do not want to talk to you. Why quit now? The answer is obvious to me at least.

So I am continuing the fight. I am going with my gut. Mum managed to pull another stunt yesterday that let down my little girl's soccer team by announcing 3 minutes before game time that she would not be coming as my daughter did not want to play. Even though I asked to speak to my child to cofnirm this mum declined. We forfeited the game and 9 other children and their familes were hurt by what my child's mother did which is sick if you think about it. I am tired of this crap. I need my order soon before I lose all patience.



Thanks for the update...same shit, different day apparently. Hope the judge makes his ruling very, very soon! Fingers and toes crossed!


Boy that 1/2 full vs 1/2 empty thing is getting kind of thin right now. I am so done with the system dinking around. Do they not understand the very person they are SUPPOSED to be protecting is the one that they are allowing to be hurt? They probably could never figure it out which is what is SO frustrating.