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Topics - newohio

Shrink Rap / does it matter
Nov 12, 2009, 12:09:02 PM
ex has a lot of sociopathic tendencies

lies lies lies  (even if something is on paper, in black & white, ex will still lie about it)
and plays the pity party-poor me game to a "T"

however, ex has never been violent

so,  would it matter in a custody case?

i know i will never get the truth on anything, where my child has been, with whom, or how they may have gotten a bump or bruise.  i will never get the whole honest truth!

i am quite certain that the ex will teach my child to lie (or just not tell)

so in a custody case, would the judge care?  would it be worth the time, effort, & money to involve a psycholgist?   

any ideas, thoughts, or opinions greatly appreciated

thank you
Custody Issues / gal to visit next week
Oct 29, 2009, 09:43:52 AM
my first meeting with attorney/guardian is scheduled for next week, in my home

other than not bashing the ex,  are there any suggestions?

also, should i have my daughter there?  would it be best that the gal meet with her and see both of my kids together, or being that she is to visit her father, should i let the gal see that i don't interfere with their schedule?

thanks for any thoughts
Custody Issues / experience needed
Oct 26, 2009, 12:09:22 PM
new to this,  court appointed a gal, 1 -two yr. old child

visitation is temporary at 2 weeknights; 6-9 pm with one overnight every other weekend

So what should i expect next?   Is there a standard they follow?
ie:  personnal interview, home eval, phsyc.eval

Any specifics they look for?  hints?  advise??

anything please

thank you
Ohio State Forum / new
Oct 07, 2009, 11:08:22 AM
never married
support in place
motion for parental rights filed

now what happens?   is there a pre-trial ?
how long do custody cases take?
what happens with gal?

etc etc etc ???
