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visitation cost split, but there are problems

Started by 72264kids, May 19, 2006, 04:31:30 AM

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I live in Virginia, but jurisdiction is in Florida.

This is a duplicate post as found in the Visitation forum, but I figured that I would ask here as I anticipate receiving results without being labeled a "cheapskate" and subsequently having my original post deducted from.

I have drafted a pro se stipulation between the ex and I indicating that we were both to split both the cost for the child's visitation and the transportation for such.

Basically the child travels as an unaccompanied minor on an airplane (until the CP decides that they don't like that idea any more).

In the past, what we did was split the cost of both directions of travel. I put the cost of the entire flight on my debit or credit card (CP does not have a debit card with a visa logo, and no money in the account..sure pigs can fly). The CP then reimbursed me in the form of a check.

Then the CP started their crap, not reimbursing me unless they received child support. (They received it at exactly the same interval and on a monthly basis, not my fault the State is slow).

I told the CP that even though I am a "bank"of sorts, that I have limits and that each party would now truly be responsible for their pickups and dropoffs (including financially).

Now the problem lies in the fact that of the plane tickets, one ticket will always be more expensive than the other one.

The CP will be sure to grab the cheapest one, since the "force" is with them.

My question is as follows:

1) How do I get the cheapest tickets, in the future before the CP does without ending up in court again and/or wasting money to change the language?

Thanks again!


>My question is as follows:
>1) How do I get the cheapest tickets, in the future before the
>CP does without ending up in court again and/or wasting money
>to change the language?

I don't understand your facts. You state that you pay the entire transportation cost and then get reimbursed, and then you state that the other parent "grabs the cheapest ticket," and that one fare is always cheaper/more costly than the other.

So, why then do you not receive 50% reimbursement?



What I mean is that I no longer want to pay the entire cost of the ticket then get reimbursed for 50% of it, because the CP takes their time reimbursing me.

I want to buy a ticket one way and pay for the costs of that travel.

My fear is that in the future the CP will always grab the cheapest ticket, and leave me with the more expensive one.

The stipulation that I created (and that a judge signed) is worded as follows:

"Agree that all transportation of the minor child and the financial responsibility for such be equally split between the parties."

Maybe I was too vague in my modification/stipulation, but I don't want to modify this again if I don't have to.

Thanks again.


and I would have suggested "independence air" but they are out of business.

Plan ahead and therefore you can buy a cheap ticket.

Airtran hubs in Atlanta...but they should be cheap for one-way tickets


>What I mean is that I no longer want to pay the entire cost
>of the ticket then get reimbursed for 50% of it, because the
>CP takes their time reimbursing me.
>I want to buy a ticket one way and pay for the costs of that
>My fear is that in the future the CP will always grab the
>cheapest ticket, and leave me with the more expensive one.
>The stipulation that I created (and that a judge signed) is
>worded as follows:
>"Agree that all transportation of the minor child and the
>financial responsibility for such be equally split between the
>Maybe I was too vague in my modification/stipulation, but I
>don't want to modify this again if I don't have to.
>Thanks again.

OK. How about:

"Agree that all transportation of their minor child incident to a transfer of parenting responsibility shall be divided equally between the parties. The parties shall alternate responsibility to advance the actual out-of-pocket cost associated with any such transfer (and the corresponding right to reimbursement from the other parent), beginning with the father, as of the first transfer following the date of entry of this stipulated order."


Thanks for the idea Soc, but I think that the days of stipulation may be over.

I'll put that in my motion, but I am worried that the judge may be suprised that CP is paying at all. (I heard that judges see it as "I moved so I pay").