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About The SPARC Web Site

If you need to contact someone about the site or forum registration, send an email to waylon(@)deltabravo.net.

Mission Goals
The SPARC Web Site is a non-profit organization with one primary goal, which is to ensure that children of divorce have access to both parents, regardless of marital status.
To accomplish this, we have several specific secondary goals, which include:
  • assisting non-custodial parents (especially fathers) in obtaining fair and equitable custody arrangements
  • disseminating information on Parenting Evaluations (also called Custody Evaluations)
  • raising awareness of issues that fathers and non-custodial parents face.

Additional Goals
SPARC also provides aid, support, and assistance to fathers and their families. In addition, we work to promote gender equality in Divorce and Custody issues. SPARC recognizes the value of fatherhood and supports the idea of fathers as custodial parents. SPARC's goal is equality in divorce and custody issues, not dominance. Please don't confuse being "pro-father" with being "anti-mother". The two aren't the same, and SPARC is not "anti-mother".

Advertising Policy
In addition to our Professional Services Directory, SPARC accepts a limited amount of paid advertising to help cover our expenses. Regardless of advertising, we're obligated to no one for our content, and are free to post whatever information we feel is appropriate and/or useful. Most of the material on the SPARC site is information that has been learned the hard way by others, including the SPARC staff. We aim to give you the straightest and most "to-the-point" information and assistance that we can.

Content & Submissions
We get our material (and our ideas for material) from a variety of sources, such as newspapers, books and magazines, scientific studies, other web sites, and so on. Some material comes in via e-mail, provided by visitors, or is found on other discussion forums and message boards. We also rely heavily on our personal experiences and those of the participants and moderators who use the Fathers Forum message boards. We try to see what questions come up repeatedly, then we look into writing a document to cover that particular issue.

Whenever possible, we credit articles unless the source is unknown (as is sometimes the case with material sent in by e-mail). If you know of an article on the SPARC site that is incorrectly credited, or you believe an article on the SPARC site violates a copyright, please contact the webmaster.

If you have material you think would be useful to others and would like to have it posted on the SPARC site, email us us and we'll more than likely find a spot for it.

Sure, we could probably force ourselves to accept a contribution to help pay for the costs associated with our ISP and our server. $25.00 will pay for approximately one month of service on our web host. If you want to send a donation you can send one via PayPal.com to [email protected] (mailto:[email protected]) or send a check or money order payable to "SPARC/LDM" to following address:

P.O. Box 82764
Kenmore WA 98028-0764

What we'd really appreciate is if you'd mention the SPARC site to fathers and non-custodial parents in need, other websites, award-bestowing groups and anyone else you think might be able to make use of the information here.

Product Referral & Endorsement
SPARC does not recommend or endorse any specific product, service, or firm, unless it's listed on our site and has the words "'We Endorse..." next to it. If anyone claims differently, they're lying. Let us know so we can sue 'em for a kabillion dollars and retire early.

SPARC doesn't discriminate on the basis of race, religion, sexual orientation or gender. As part of the SPARC Site Policy, discrimination on these grounds is not be tolerated in comments, forum postings, or other parts of the site.

No Attorney-Client Relationship
Use of this site does not constitute an attorney-client relationship; in matters of litigation you should always consult a competent attorney. Although we make every attempt to ensure that the information presented on the SPARC page is accurate, we cannot take any responsibility for anything posted here, and nothing posted here is intended to take the place of legal advice from an attorney. But you probably already knew that. If you didn't, please read our official Disclaimer and Acceptable Use Policy. You can also view the Terms and Conditions for usage of the SPARC site here: Terms and Conditions. Please note that the opinions and information expressed on the SPARC site are the product of thousands of real life experiences and are not an attempt to proffer legal advice.

Site Violations & Banning
Users who violate the SPARC Site Policy can and will be banned at the sole discretion of the SPARC Site operators. Users who violate this policy may or may not be given warning before they are banned from the SPARC site.

"Offensive Content"
If you find something offensive on this website, please accept our apologies in advance. (Not that we're going to change anything just because you don't like it, but it's not our goal to offend anyone.)