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Collection of Back Child support

Started by kandi1, Sep 25, 2005, 04:40:06 PM

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kandi kelley

I need help finding someone that can help us single mothers who are trying to support our children on our sole income while the deadbeat dads are living the life of kings! I am as of today owed $59,467.74 in back child support. If you go on line to try and locate them yourself you need to pay. WEll point being it might only be a 19.95 charge but I don't even have that to play with after paying my bills.
  Does anyone have any advice? I even contacted Child Support Network. They found him-collected a couple of payments (3) then when the deadbeat left his job and ran they closed my case.
any advice on where to turn??????????


Don't you have a child support order issued by the court?  Is money paid directly to you or through child support enforcement?  Why haven't you filed contempt of court or motion/order to show cause?  What State do you live in?

I wouldn't bother with any of companies that claim to help you collect child support.  They're making money for themselves not you. The court is the appropriate place to go for this sort of thing.  If Child Support Network found him once why didn't they find him when he ran?

And as the wife of a man who pays child support for 2 children, I can tell you that he's definitely not living the life of a king and I dayum sure ain't living a life of luxury.  Every month we have to pick and choose what bills we're going to pay and still have money to buy groceries and gas so we can get to work everyday.


kandi kelley

Thanks for responding. I live in Pa. The court order is from the state of california. I contact my domestic relations all the time asking for help with this and their only response is that they can't locate him. That all they can do is a state search with his social security # if I know what state he might be in. When I told them this last time to search all 51 they told me they couldn't. They are useless.
That was my question to child support network as to why they couldn't find him again they said they tried but it was costing them to much time and money and they weren't finding him to collect.
I am legal stupid. I don't know how to file a contempt of order in another state.
I say living like a king because of my other 2 childrens father who lives in michigan. He is in arrears $757 and is only ordered to pay $25/wk for the only child of his left under 18. He can't even do that but for a known fact him and his girlfriend go to the casino every friday nite and take a summer vacation for 2 wks every summer. He drives a nice new car and they both have cell phones. You ought to see the decor in their house.  It just all makes me angry and then my children get angry at me when I can't give them the things they want. I am tired of seeing them have to without.




I know how you feel. My ex has 3 kids (only one is mine) he pays NO cs for any of them, He has gone to jail once for non payment of cs ($23k in arrears to our son, 10k to his daughters and anothe r$5k to his other child)

The state is currenlty prosecuting him again for failure to pay.  It is so frustrating as he lives off his family or woman, and my sons gets upset when I can't get him certain things, luckily my son is older and understands.

Men like these men give the real dads like my dh who pays his support a bad name.

Do you know what state you ex is living in, many time in dealing with the cs office, I found that I got more done If I DID all the legwork, and found him, then I would pressure the cs office for contempt.  

My ex is ordered to pay monthly support of $160 to our child, hell he could get a paper route and make that money, but he enjoys drinking his beer and living off his woman.

As hard as it is, you will get thru it.

**These are my opinions, they are not legal advice**


I am feeling you and wendel.  I am in the same boat.  My x is a DEADBEAT in every since of the word.  He just up and moved, so now we are back to square 1.  It is a little easier when you do your own investigating, I did and was able to let CSE know, so now it is just a waiting game.  DH pays every month like clock work and we struggle, but well at this point, this is the hand we were dealt and it sucks!  My X is a combo of both of yours as a matter of fact, when he left me and my daughter I was negative ALOT of money in our checking account (wine-ing and dining his ho's) and a cell phone bill of over 1800.00 not to mention the credit card bills.  After he left he had the NERVE to call me and ask me for $$$ to fix his truck!  And your paying me how much CS?  Oh ya that's right~ NONE!!!  HAHAHA.  Ya the money would be nice, but having him out of our lives is much nicer...hang in there.  Do research and keep posting to figure out how to hold him in contempt in another state.  It will take alot of time and energy, but think of the pay off...