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Started by aussierules, Aug 27, 2004, 07:00:26 AM

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I am not trying to do this to you all. I just want to try and present this in the most logical way so you can all see what is happening. I can give you my opinions on how it went now I have posted the final portion of the trial but the matter is under advisement as you will see and there are many complex issues to be decided. Read the last report and then by all means ask away and if I can contribute something I will respond. Thank you for your interest as always. I hope I told this in a fairly interesting style so that you stayed involved.



This part realy struck me too . . .

He then asks her what she is worried about and she says and I quote "I am worried that he is going to FUCK my daughter before she is 14 – that is why he is dressing her up like a stripper. He always liked teenagers you know.

Was there any indications she had been abused as a child. Given the pschyological reports about her hyperactive sex drive, I am suprised this was not addressed. Are her parents still married? Does her father have a eye for very young girls? If her parents are not together, could there have been a series of her mother's boyfriends that liked kids?  I would not be suprised to find out she had been severely abused as a child and teen. Have you seen any pictures of her during her early and late teen yrs? Had she dressed provoctively as a teen?  Do you know how old she really was when she lost her virginity? Something is telling me she isn't trying to "protect" your daughter but herself . . .

The Witch

Remember . . . KARMA is a Wonderful Thing!!!!!


I got the same vibe.

My ex does that, she accuses me of things that happened while she was growing up, but puts it at present and tries to make people think I did it.
Too bad she told so many of how horrible her life was growing up...

Funny how mum also uses the one thing that also wins  points, tears and more tears.


Sorry, I could not resist...


I don't think it matters if she had a history of abuse in her family, or her history, the point is...she is mentally ill trying to keep you from your daughter forever... I hope the judge saw right through this...


I was just wondering what your gut feeling says will be the outcome?  I know after mine I was so relieved that it was over, but also so anxious that it could have gone either way.  I wish you the best...hang in there!


If you had asked me about mum being abused as a child a few years ago I would have said no. However the more I think about and by that I mean her father who has a great fondness for violent pornographic material - he contributes material to adult magazines, I started to wonder. Mum's sister is very peculiar. She has terrible self image and now lives behind a triple veil in Saudi Arabia married to a man she does not like. Mum's dad lives for exotic dancing bars - mum even mentioned it her psychological report that dad used to just get up and announce that he was "leaving for the titty bar". By the way those are her words not mine and I do not mean to offend the reader - I am just trying to convey original meaning to you all. I am not saying that going to the dancing bars makes you a pervert but it does make you stop and think in the overall context of the situation.

Her parents are together but they have a strange relationship. Mum stated in her evaluation originally that she had wonderful loving parents and then during the evaluation her position changed and she revealed that mum wanted to leave dad on several occasions but they are still together. From what I can make out dad has a minor preoccupation with sex and pushes the mum hard despite them being in their late 60s and early 70s. Again, there is nothing wrong with having a mutually consistent sex drive at any age but it was never presented that way to me.

I have seen some photos of her and she was a plain child. She had alot of trouble making friends especially boys. Her testimony that she lost her virginity at 18 was not credible and not consistent with what she had told me all these years. She was never thin as a reed but she did go from like 150 to 300 which must have been horrible on her self esteem and likely is today also. She always told me that at university she was very permiscuous and that she would get it anyway that she could. Of interest in the evaluator's report he states that there is evidence of more infidelity from mum. While we were not married I take that to mean that the man she got pregnant with in 2001 was not the first act of its type. I am more disappointed than I was before we started. Very sad indeed.

There is so much projection in this case from mum. The evaluator says that it is apparent that she is projecting her own sexual interests on me which would explain in large part why the allegations that have been made are what they are. I cannot see how her actions are protecting of our child under any circumstance. To make a 4/5 year old go through what our daughter has an part of an act of revenge is vile & insidious.


We did not focus on her familial problems because we made the decision not to lower ourself to that angle of attack. Sure alot was made of the evaluation and the multiple personality disorders but her parents are not on trial. The evaluator reported that mum was attempting to terminate the father/daughter relationship and that she is a vengeful & spiteful person. If the judge does not get the hairs on his back up after that along with the "FUCK" comment then I do not know what it will take to get him up to speed. I am not saying he will not but my sense was it was all quite shocking especially the explosion at the end. As I said on the stand, I want my mum and daughter to have a meningful relationship with one another but that means a healthy one which it cannot be today with the spectre of more false allegations of child abuse not a heartbeat away. If the judge sees his role as protecting my child then I think we gave him only one way to go. Cross your fingers.


Without hacking off the gods. I think that relocation will be denied, mum will be required to enter counseling, custody will be modified slightly to allow me to be primary residential parent unless & until the original custody evaluator opines something different. We have a motion in front of the judge to present the new psychological evaluation to him for a supplemental review. Last time out he gave us 50/50 but stated that it was predicated on nobody suffering from any diagnosed mental or personality disorder. Of course we now know that not to be true in mum's case.

Yes I am anxious in one breath for the findings and relieved in another for it to be over. I will let you all know when I know.


Fingers AND toes crossed....


All the best and I will continue to pray for a good outcome.