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Messages - Hawkeye

Father's Issues / RE: Great!
Apr 08, 2004, 10:30:46 AM
I just got off the phone with Governor Vilsack's office, 515-281-5211, and asked how do I voice support for HF22.

His secretary/receptionist immediately connected me directly to the Governor's Liason for Policy and he asked for my name and address and asked me what I would like the Governor to do.

I told him to please relay to the Governor my support for HF22 and to please encourage him to sign it into law.

He thanked me and I thanked him and that was that! I asked him if and when the signing would take place, he said that technically the bill has not reached his desk, per-se' - as the legislature has some last minute details to take care of... (maybe getting the parchament paper and all those ink-pens ready??) but he said the Governor is reviewing it and it should be acted upon by the time the current legislative session ends. Maybe it's just a matter of sorting them into stacks of 'sign' and 'veto'.

My guess would be no more than about a month, unless they extend the session due to some other bills, you know, important stuff like gambling! haha....

I also asked him if they were receiving emails about it, he said "OH - YEAH!" with a positive tone to his voice.

I wonder if the 100 or so folks around the globe I emailed this morning are hot on their keyboards? *grin*

Keep Spreading the word....  (and pass the mustard!) lol!

I changed/corrected a few little things, cut/paste below if you like.

Mahaska County!?!?!? My family is from Oskaloosa and Tioga! Or is it Rose Hill and Eddyville... hahaha... Small world, here on the big 'ol net!

Dear Gov. Vilsack:

I am writting regarding HF22, a bill coming before you. I am a resident of Illinois and have strong family ties to Mahaska County, Iowa.

My concern is for the children of this country. It is a National epedimic for children to be torn away from loving, nuturing Non-Custodials. Parents divorce each other, not the children.

There is a definate gender bias in the family court system. 60 to 75% of all divorces are initiated by women. Women get primary custody of the children in a divorce about 80% of the time, along with the award of child support, 1/2 of the marital assets, and generally the house if one is at issue. The father gets placed in the position of being a court-ordered visitor in the lives of his children, and every month he has to turn over anywhere from 20 to 65% of his gross income, to the mother who walked out on him and took his kids. In a growing number of these cases, the mother either totally denies visitation or makes visitation so difficult and costly that the father is completely eviscerated from the lives of his children.

Please sign this bill into law. It is the first step in opening the door for all children to have both parents remain in their lives. It is a Child's Right, a God given Right, A Human Right and a Non-Custodials Right to stay involved with their children.

This is a chance to give the 'Family back to the children.'

Excellent, Kitty! I've been posting info about HF22 on every dads site I can locate. I hope the added attention of out of state folks will cause Gov Vilsack to realize the nation is watching.

In other news, get this... My ex is opposed to our son joining Cub Scouts!  Go figure... How low can she go???
Father's Issues / RE: IT PASSED!!!!!!!!!!
Apr 06, 2004, 11:12:25 AM

We're not done yet! SPREAD THE WORD!

Even if you're not in Iowa, the US but on planet earth.... Email Governor Tom Vilsack and let him know the world is watching for his signature on this landmark piece of legislation!

HATS OFF TO IOWA STATE REPRESENTATIVE DAN BODDICKER for introducing this and standing up for Iowa's kids!