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Started by SPARC Admin, Mar 09, 2007, 08:47:29 AM

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I remember that too Mixed!  I tried to get Soc to answer that question about a year ago, he said that "whatever" he was working on was still in the works.

I know I will miss him.  I used to read the board daily, with our NCP we never know what she will pull next.

I hope that he is well, and has just decided to ride off in to the sunset :)



>Scroll down and there is a link to paypal.com BUT when I
>clicked on it, it didn't lead me to an account for SPARC or

Yeah, the link was waaaaay outdated. If you really, really want to send something to SPARC you can use [email protected] via PayPal.


Earlier this week there was a post on another board that just torqued my biscuits. My thought coming online today was, "if nothing else, I'll just read Soc's board. . . ." instead of wanting to reach through the screen and grab someone. Then I came here.

Sadness. I am just so sad that I'll never get the chance to thank Soc personally for all of the good he did for our family. I too was waiting for the time that he would tell us all "the rest of the story" about why he did this for others and the reasons for his passions behind all of the help. It's kind of fitting in a way, that the mystery of Socrateaser will continue to be a mystery.

He helped me out so much, I even offered my sister's hand in marriage to him, lol.

I agree that the name should be retired. Whomever steps forward for the challenge will never be "Soc". His straight on the money answers coupled with wry wit and the ability to stand in another person's shoes cannot be duplicated. There's some things in life that you just can't pass off, and Soc's way of doing things was one of them.

I thought that recent answers to questions were a little terse sometimes. I thought maybe Soc was just having a bad week, or was too busy to answer questions the way he used to. Now that we know what we know, I realize that Mr. Kaplan could never do this like Soc---with Soc it was about the passion behind it, not the money up front.

While I feel duped, it's not by Soc. For one, I don't think he would hand over the reins of this forum unless the circumstances were dire. Two, I'm sure that he could not have forseen what would be occuring three months down the road. Pro bono isn't meant to be easy, even for a layman in everyday tasks. There's a sacrifice involved to volunteer work.

I'm sorry that it took Mr. Kaplan three months to figure this out, but I'm glad he figured it out (hopefully) before he gave poor advice to someone. This isn't a cake decorating tipline or a forum for weekend carpentry, it is life or death for a lot of families. So if only for that reason, I thank Mr. Kaplan for finally being honest.

Thank you, SPARC ADMIN, for letting us know what's going on and not just cancelling the board. You could have just shoved this under a rug and you didn't. That to me just expounds on the reasons why we trust SPARC. I'll continue to come here, and hopefully we can find another family law atty that's willing to do what Soc did. If he/she has only half of Soc's knowledge and flair, I for one will be happy.



Yeah, I had noticed something different but I hadnt been reading as many posts as I used to.  I think it is kinda funny concerning our perceptions of Soc.....I thought he had commented one time about being old and wealthy....

I envisioned Soc to be about 72, grumpy, but awesome...Soc is brilliant and I too wish we had known the man behind the 'smoke'.  Comments also left me feeling he had been cheated by the system from his own child...he learned from those times and used it for good to help others and remind us all that the child is the important factor, not our desires or those of our exes.    Soc devoted a huge amount of time to this board and its hard to envision walking away from that, something he was so involved in.

Honestly, SOC is probably the ONLY reason my dh got custody of his son last year.  We knew nothing before coming onto this board and Soc walked us through two years of battles...



I'm a little dumbfounded by this thread. Needless to say, I would not have made my last post if I had read this thread first. I guess it's easy to look back after the fact and say I knew there was something different about Soc. But, I can tell you that the real Soc's last reply to me was a very different interpretation of Due Process as to how it relates to child support and custody than an email that I received and printed out from Soc a few years ago.

As for the issue about charging for the service, I commend SPARC's policy. If SPARC had chosen to adjust that policy, then I would believe that Mr. Kaplan could have started his own website, as he suggested, but that SPARC simply provide a link to that different site. As such, there would not be any of the ownership issues that Mr. Kaplan brought up.

The part I am disappointed about most is that I did not have the opportunity to thank the true Soc for his years of devotion.


I agree with all thats been said but the troubling thoughts still come into play.

Dont you all find it a bit strange that this thread dissappeared when people startined voicing their opinions and ther ehas been no comment or appearance to speak of from Ken Kaplan?  No apology, no comments, no nothing, just dissappearance.

weird to me...................

I cry_ in_the_dark

SPARC Admin said they shut off the Soc account. So I believe Mr. Kaplan would have to create a new ID to reply.


I just noticed this thread yesterday, so I never saw the first thread that disappeared.  My thoughts keep coming back to how Ken knew Soc was no more and how he knew the account information to be able to continue that service.


true, I forgot that SPARC admin said they deleted the account, but still no comments from another user iD, or even an email to SPAC admin. I mean someone with a true conscience (sp) would have some ill feelings about this all, true?


I mean, how did he know when he was answering as Soc how to get onto soc's account and that soc was no longer using it?

He had to have the password, right?  So, how?

I really dont know what to think of him answering as Soc..he was still helping people even if we were thinking it was Soc...