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Messages - CrystalT4

Yea, see that is the behavior I am afraid of..I have a brother that is in prison and was in juvenille detention most of his juvenille life...He was put on house arrest and everything else..He also had a hard life...and my sons BF is bipolar (along with his whole mothers side of the family)...His BF was very abusive and controlling when he was not on mood stabilizers..I forced him to take the St Johns Wart Mood Enhancer and he acted like a normal functioning person..But he would start to feel better and quit and go right back to the abusive behavior(which is why he has no legal rights to my son, my husband adopted him legally over a year ago)  
But thank you for the link I will start reading up on it tonight...
Parenting Issues / UPDATE...
Feb 24, 2007, 03:35:04 PM
We have started psychologist visits with my son and hope it helps...
Parenting Issues / RE: What do I do??
Feb 09, 2007, 02:09:26 PM
How does she punish her for doing stuff like that?
Parenting Issues / RE: What do I do??
Feb 08, 2007, 01:17:49 PM
How do they deal with her tantrums? I have had to start letting him throw fits in his room and shut the door..He calms down and comes out like nothing happened... How do they discipline her for , if for example, she throws food? I have tried timeouts, doesnt work. He has started laughing at me when I spank him or hell scream at me then laugh. I have taken toys away and he just plays with stuff he is not supposed to and destructs my house. Wow does he tear up my house...Peeling off wall paper, tearing of lamination of my counters, kicks out my bedroom windows and screens...Early bedtime, 7 pm, but he just kicks and screams for 3 extra hours than a normal night.. I have even tried pampering him to show him extra attention because my husband thinks he is just wanting attention..That doesnt work...And i dont think that is what it is..I have been suspecting bipolar for a year now...It might be because its sooooo dominant in his BioFathers side of the family. My husband legally adopted my son a year ago so his BF is no longer in the picture.  his BF had bipolar and he became aggressive and abusive...Im scared he is going to be like that...
Parenting Issues / RE: What do I do??
Feb 08, 2007, 01:05:34 PM
Red dye? Like red kool-aid and stuff like that? Im not sure what red dye is in
Parenting Issues / What do I do??
Feb 07, 2007, 05:40:49 PM
Hi. I am a married mom of 3 children (going on 4) and I have a question..
My 4 year old has been very hard to handle. His BF has bipolar disorder along with his mothers side of the family. I am beginning to think that maybe he has it and if anybody knows someone like this or is experiencing it themselves...
My son was laying in bed. He started talking and yelling at my 7 yr old. I went in there to tell him to be quiet and lay down.. I told my 7 yr old to roll over and ignore him..My 7 yr old did. I then hear my 4 yr old talking again and then I hear crying. I go in the room and my 4 yr old had dumped his milk cup all over my 7 yr old then threw his cup at him and gave him a black eye..I let my 7 yr old go out on the couch for the night. When I told my 7 yr old to go out on the couch my 4 yr old started screaming, flailing and banging on the wall.  This went on for almost an hour. These tantrums occur more than once a day and are triggered by me saying no or making him do something he doesnt want to do. My 4 yr old barely eats or sleeps. He goes to sleep at about 1 or 2 am and wakes up a 7 am and goes all day with no nap... I lay down with him to make him stay in bed and i get kicked, hit, screamed at and spit on... When I give him food (especially lunch or dinner) he will throw it all over my kitchen..If I sit in there with him He will look at me, smile and throw food. I tell him to stop it and he does it again..I then take his food and he hits me and screams at the top of his lungs and on comes the tantrum...He has night terrors that last for about 3 hours about 5-6 days a month..My problem is I dont know what to do..My patience is wearing thin and him being diagnosed and treated is not going to happen anytime soon..I have been keeping a log of behavior and eating and sleeping patterns for his pediatrician but until then how do I control him and stay sane??? Help.....