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Started by Peanutsdad, May 11, 2004, 06:03:09 AM

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This is a conversation my ex had with me last evening,,, after we had court yesterday. This case has been ongoing for 14 months now, with me gaining custody of my then 16 month old daughter last Oct.

Ex says:
Hey, you there?
Ex says:
I need to talk to you about a call I got....  About Peanut
Ex says:
Oh, well, please contact me ASAP.
Ex says:
I got a message from absent IQ requesting a DNA test for Peanut
Me says:
Well , if Absent IQ thinks he's the father and you think he's the father, get a court order for a dna test to see if he is.
Ex says:
Absent IQ has requested a DNA test, and we will have one done ASAP, tho his schedule on the road, will have to be worked around.
Ex says:
He is willing to pay the cost
Me says:
fine,, get a court order
Ex says:
I don't have to have a court order
Ex says:
The Attorney General will make sure to have that done when I meet with them
Me says:
then take it up with my attrny please
Ex says:
Ex says:
Ex says:
Do you have her email address?
Me says:
she doesnt answer email due to spam,, her phone number is XXXXXXXXXX,,, fax line XXXXXXXXX
Ex says:
Now,, we all know I have custody,, and have had for quite some time. Why on earth would she not bring this up til we been in court for 14 months?


Is it a real possibility that IQ could be father?  

Or is she just yanking your chain for the fun of watching you sweat?


I have no idea. I did not take a dna test,, I did file an afidavit of paternity and am on the bc.

So far as I am concerned,, this is my daughter.


What does the attorney general have to do with it?  I would imagine there would still have to be a court order, regardless.  What was court about yesterday?


It's like I said last night...
She figures if the test shows you are not daddy, the court will take peanut away and give her back to mom and the CS disappears. She is desperate at this point and may realise the "stay at home mom" thing won't cut it.

You are the daddy.

Kitty C.

Sounds like a last gasp act of a desperate woman.  She knows now that she's sunk and trying to grab on to ANYTHING she can.  Amazing what desperate people will do sometimes..........
Handle every stressful situation like a dog........if you can't play with it or eat it, pee on it and walk away.......


Two possible reason:

1) She is desperate, has no control and is trying to mess with you.


2) There really is a possibility that you are not the bio-dad

I think the first one is the likelier of the two.  But, even if the second WERE true, your child knows YOU as the Dad.  Recent court cases have found out that certain dads weren't the bio-dad but they were still required to pay the support because it is in "the best interests of the child".  Your case could be a great example of the reverse situation.  Regardless of who the bio-dad is, YOU are the real father. But, as I said, earlier...I think she's trying to get into your head, get you doubting that you are the bio-dad and mess with you...keep us informed.


Up until last night,,,she has ALWAYS maintained I am the dad.

So far as I am concerned,, this IS my daughter,, I was there at birth,, I was the first person to EVER hold her,, I've fought tooth and nail to protect her and give her at least a chance at a happy childhood.

Over my cold dead body will this go anywhere.


She said that AbsentIQ contacted her and wants to be tested for paternity...not very likely.  Just doesn't make sense that IQ had his fun with BM 2 yrs ago, then shows up out of the blue wanting to be Daddy and/or pay CS.

Surely she is just grasping at straws by looking up this guy and tossing him into the mix after everthing that has happened.
Nontheless, the worst case scenerio is that AbsentIQ is the BF.  That will leave three options:

1) BM gets custody---that's already been esablished as a NO.
2) BF gets custody---he has never seen the child and works on the road, very unlikely
3) Dad keeps custody---looks like the best option for the child by far

Of course we know that anything under the sun can happen, but don't get discouraged.  This looks like a typical tactic to rattle your nerves.

LittleBit's Dad


She has always known that AbsentIQ may be bio, but she told the lie so long she does not know how to tell the truth, and can't admit that she has never known who her child's father is.

Bringing this up now in the way she did says to me that she is scrambling cause you "made" her look like a bad mommy...she had HER child taken away, by a .... a ..... MAN!   (Pullleeezz)

AbIQ may have contacted her, but SHE requested they do a DNA test. I would bet you $10 on it. She is hoping that if on the slim chance you are not the BF, then the child can be taken from you and placed back in her care, where she will get CS instead of paying it. Her logic is faulty and depends a lot on AbsIQ actually being the BF and the courts CARING that he is the BF after this amount of time.

My take, get an injunction to bar any further DNA testing, as the child HAS a father as "found" by the courts (based on your affidavit) and it is not in the child's best interest to reopen that matter (i.e. the child's legal father is providing financially, emotionally and spiritually for her) since there has not been a substantial change in circumstances.

Only you would know if she is likely to be just jerking you around for kicks.
A true soldier fights, not because he hates what is in front of him, but because he loves whats behind him...dear parents, please remember not to continue to fight because you hate your ex, but because you love your children.