SPARC Forums

Main Forums => Father's Issues => Topic started by: susz on Mar 28, 2006, 08:51:20 AM

Title: mediations
Post by: susz on Mar 28, 2006, 08:51:20 AM
 We are looking for information on mediation.Is their any tips for fathers.
Title: RE: mediations
Post by: MixedBag on Mar 28, 2006, 02:48:29 PM
Focus on the children and set your anger towards the EX aside -- like don't even let it enter the room.

Title: RE: mediations
Post by: Brent on Mar 28, 2006, 05:50:26 PM
Here's a search that will return some links to articles here:
Title: RE: mediations
Post by: Kent on Mar 29, 2006, 09:01:32 AM
Mediation is a wonderful thing - IF both parties are willing to come to an agreement.

You may want to find out if the other party is willing to negotiate, and come to an agreement.

In my case - and for many others here - the other party was not willing to negotiate or give in to anything.
In that case, mediation is a waste of time and money.

So start with the biggest issue. If you can't come to an agreement on that, or you already know you won't come to an agreement on that, then mediation will be over quickly, and that will save you attorney and mediator fees.
