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Topics - idontknow

I am posting to try to help my husband.  I will give you some background.  My husband and "x-gfriend" have 2 children.  He has joint custody.  With about 101 overnights.  "xgfriend's" husband has tried repeatedly to start verbal fights with my husband  in front of the kids. He would intercept all phone calls to x-gfriend.  He basically tries to get in the middle of everything. About two years ago my husband sent his x-gfriend a letter stating that he no longer wished to speak to her husband at all unless it's an emergency.  Since that time, she will not take any calls from my husband. She has not been to a drop off-pick up for over 2 years.  
We recently filed an order re:
medical bills that she will not provide copies of the actual bills for. She has set about 15 appointments without notifying my husband.  This is court ordered
Telephone calls that her and her husband interfere with when we are trying to talk to the kids.
Income tax issues.
The guardian ad liadem was reassigned.  She gave him a stack of 6 inches of email. He is overwhelmed.  She told him that she will not speak to my husband because it is "more trouble than it's worth" So they just email.
Her attorney said that "they are worlds apart"  x-gfriend has become extremely combative with my husband in email.  When he tries to participate or get any information about the kids...she gets crazy and says he is harassing her. They filed a motion for sole custody, after we filed ours. She tries to start fights (verbally, through email) over very petty issues.

So here is the BIG issue.  We put tracking devices on a few emails.  We switched emails to an outlook instead of hotmail.  Her husband is opening all of her emails from work and replying to my husband, imposing as his ex.  x-gfriend and her husband sometimes forward the message between each other.   He is also composing some of these messages.  We became suspicious of this because the messages were sent at 7:30 AM, when she is not at work.  Is this legal?  Will a judge do anything about this?  My husband has been communicating with her husband for 2 years, not knowing it.  He has repeatedly told her and her husband he does not ever wish to talk to her husband again. Should we bring this up in court or gather more evidence?  Should we try to modify the order so that there is no "third party interference"  and then file a contempt motion?  We have court on the 19th.  Thanks.
General Issues / Medical Appointments
Apr 11, 2006, 06:39:04 PM
My husbands x keeps setting medical appointments without notifying him.  The court order states that they need to inform the other  7 days before.  She has been taking them to a psycologist, and not informing him the outcome of the therapy.  When she gave him the first and only update, it was different than the doctors.  He said that the doctor was evasive with him wqhen he called.  
The most recent issue was a few days ago when she said she set an appointment and said that she needed to check to see if insurance covered the procedure first.  She never got back to my husband and took his daughter to the appointment.  She now said that insurance did not cover and will send him the bill.  It will be several hundred dollars.  This was not a nessicary appointment.
He has joint custody and the order says that he needs to be involved with decisions.  Any addice would be appreciated.  Can he refuse to pay for unnessicary bills  that she set without informing him?  He did already send a letter warning her.  The child support office aslo sent her a letter telling her that she needs to tell him about the appointments.  Thanks!
Custody Issues / Being sued by old attorneys....
May 05, 2005, 10:40:00 PM
I am being sued by my old attorneys that handled my child placement case. These attorneys say that I owe them thousands of dollars (~$9,000.00). I paid them ~$8,000.00 mostly for the child placement matter. I filed a counterclaim for ~$8,000.00 (+ damages) based on negligent and incompetent representation, and because I was overcharged and damaged. They have since hired another law firm to represent them and named another attorney as an expert witness.  A trial is scheduled for this fall, but I lost my jury trial because the jury-fee was not paid in time.

The lawyers did a terrible job of representing me - I lost my children to their mother, after winning preliminary placement for one year.

The lawyer in the child placement matter failed to participate in a negotiation the day before the final hearing, because she was at an Aveda saloon having her hair done. She told me from the beginning that handling a case like this would cost ~ $5,000.00, and if it involved divorce it could cost $10,000.00. (In my case I was never married to the mother.) I believed this to be the high and low cost estimates, but her bill ran up to $15,000.00+. She barely argued on my behalf the day of the hearing because she was so intimidated by the opposing lawyer. She also breached the attorney-client priviledge by discussing this case with a friend of mine.  

The legal agreements do not state a cost per hour, in fact they say, "the attorneys will base their total fee upon the following factors...the fee customarily charged in the locality for similar letal services...(and) the amount involved and the results obtained..."

I have not been able to find attorneys to represent me in this civil case, partly because the opposing lawyers are a big local firm.  They have now filed for dismissal of my counterclaim, because they say that I do not have any experts to argue my claim(s) against them.  

I need advice on how to proceed. Please - Thanks.