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Medical Appointments

Started by idontknow, Apr 11, 2006, 06:39:04 PM

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My husbands x keeps setting medical appointments without notifying him.  The court order states that they need to inform the other  7 days before.  She has been taking them to a psycologist, and not informing him the outcome of the therapy.  When she gave him the first and only update, it was different than the doctors.  He said that the doctor was evasive with him wqhen he called.  
The most recent issue was a few days ago when she said she set an appointment and said that she needed to check to see if insurance covered the procedure first.  She never got back to my husband and took his daughter to the appointment.  She now said that insurance did not cover and will send him the bill.  It will be several hundred dollars.  This was not a nessicary appointment.
He has joint custody and the order says that he needs to be involved with decisions.  Any addice would be appreciated.  Can he refuse to pay for unnessicary bills  that she set without informing him?  He did already send a letter warning her.  The child support office aslo sent her a letter telling her that she needs to tell him about the appointments.  Thanks!


We have been told to not even bother pursuing BM making and taking Sd to the Dr. without telling us, eventhough it specifically states that she has to. One of the reasons is that it is very difficult to prove that she didn't tell you. She could lie through her teeth and say she told you verbally and then you have no case.

It is next to impossible to prove that someone didn't tell you something.

I guess as long as the child is not hurt, the court also doesn't see it as something to worry about. Afterall, your rights aren't important to the judge, your CHILD's are.

What do the papers day about what medical costs your DH is responsible for? Mine says "reasonable and necessary costs". BM took SD to a therapist and sent DH the bills. It was all crap. DH said he was not paying because. 1. it is not a "medical" cost 2. It is not necessary. She is fighting it, but I am positive she will not win this one.

My advice is to document every doctor's appointment that the child has. everytime one is set, write to BM stating that you didn't get notification and as stated in your agreement, she is required to do so. Send this certified. Hopefully this will illicit a response from her admiting that she didn't notify you.

Do you carry the insurance or do you know who the child goes to? If so, you can see who the child goes to and write them a letter asking for the child's records and keep writing to them every quarter for an update.

If you have to go to court for much bigger issues, you can tack this on. 1. proof that the child went to the Dr. and 2. proof (if possible) that BM didn't inform you.

Good Luck