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Topics - fieldsre

Dear Socrateaser / TPO filed by my ex.
Aug 02, 2006, 12:09:53 PM

I have a TPO filed against me. The ex has call the police almost evertime i would leave her resident (just found out). Then we begin to meet at the grocery store. However, in the TPO she indicated that i have had force sex with her for over three year not (NOT). She says that i have slapped her (NOT). she has slapped me twice in her drive way. I immmediately left the seen, but did not file a report (I regret). It also states that I held her against her will. Stop her from calling the police and that i'm going to take my daughter. This was file after she found out i was getting married next year. My child has been saying that she wants to live with me. The ex started this after my child stated " My daddy is going to get married and I'm going to have a new mom". My child is 4 and we both love each other. Since the TPO filing. The ex has visited my house twice to get my daughter and I have drop her off at her resident after return a lease car that was jointly in our names. We were also together at my daughters school for an Open house. She never had me arrested. I can not see my daughter and my court date is next week. What rights do i have ?


I have a TPO filed against me. The ex has call the police almost evertime i would leave her resident (just found out).  Then we begin to meet at the grocery store. However, in the TPO she indicated that i have had force sex with her for over three year not (NOT). She says that i have slapped her (NOT). she has slapped me twice in her drive way. I immmediately left the seen, but did not file a report (I regret). It also states that I held her against her will. Stop her from calling the police and that i'm going to take my daughter. This was file after she found out i was getting married next year. My child has been saying that she wants to live with me. The ex started this after my child stated " My daddy is going to get married and I'm going to have a new mom". My child is 4 and  we both love each other. Since the TPO filing. The ex has visited my house twice to get my daughter and I have drop her off at her resident after return a lease car that was jointly in our names. We were also together at my daughters school for an Open house. She never had me arrested. I can not see my daughter and my court date is next week. What rights do i have ?