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TPO filed by my ex ( What rights do i have?)

Started by fieldsre, Aug 02, 2006, 11:54:24 AM

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I have a TPO filed against me. The ex has call the police almost evertime i would leave her resident (just found out).  Then we begin to meet at the grocery store. However, in the TPO she indicated that i have had force sex with her for over three year not (NOT). She says that i have slapped her (NOT). she has slapped me twice in her drive way. I immmediately left the seen, but did not file a report (I regret). It also states that I held her against her will. Stop her from calling the police and that i'm going to take my daughter. This was file after she found out i was getting married next year. My child has been saying that she wants to live with me. The ex started this after my child stated " My daddy is going to get married and I'm going to have a new mom". My child is 4 and  we both love each other. Since the TPO filing. The ex has visited my house twice to get my daughter and I have drop her off at her resident after return a lease car that was jointly in our names. We were also together at my daughters school for an Open house. She never had me arrested. I can not see my daughter and my court date is next week. What rights do i have ?


Ok - what kind of custody do you have.

Why cant' you see your daughter.

What kind of visitation is in your order?

Is your ex denying your visitation?

You MUST meet at a police station for your exchange. You MUST always bring a witness with you. I would suggest a viedo camera as well.

DO NOT let the ex come to your house.

These false allegations she is making will follow you forever if she can make them stick.

How do you know she called the police each time you left her house? I think that is a load of crap because no charges or follow up was done with you. Maybe checking for police report records would be a good idea.

DO NOT argue with her. All of your communications should be civil and about the child and child related issues only.

When you attend events for your child together, do not attend "together" and avoid being close to her to avoid any confrontation.

I would suggest that if you can afford it, you get an attorney. You need to counterfile ASAP for emergency vistiation enforcement hearing, etc.,
we need more details about what orders are in place, exactly what she is alleging and what she is asking for.

Is she saying you abuse the child or any danger to the child?

This is serious business and this stuff holding any water in court for a minute will be a part of your case file forevermore. Believe me, I've been there.

Please Please go to Dear Socrateaser, read the guidelines and post to him. He can give you solid emergency action to take.

How often is your fiance' coming along with you for the exchanges? How long have you been divorced?

Sorry to fire away so fast. I know you need to file something to counteract this direction she is taking and socrateaser is your best option right now with an attorney to follow quickly I believe.

Please, DO NOT EVER ADMIT that you are a domestic abuser or any thing that even remotely looks like it. Do not EVER sign anything admitting you are an abuser. DENY these charges to your last breath. Get all the proof you can to counter all that she is saying. If you have neighbors who have witnessed her coming to your house, beg them to be willing to testify as to the fact that no hostilities took place on your part and any actions she may have taken, etc. You need to do all you can to establish and maintain your credibility.

Please keep up updated. It just burns me up to see women use these domestic abuse laws like this.

Please move quickly, there is no time to waste.


Please please don't take his words lightly. If you don't have the money, beg borrow and grovel to get the money.

He is right and I am serious about this - get an attorney to protect your rights or you will be hearing about it forever.

Let us know how it is going.