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Messages - spinner

is she biaised or not ?
for my divorce he had 90 days he took 135 :)
bast ard. He monkeyed something that the case wasn't "closed" until, ... used a technicality for his failure, ...
we have a different referee now :)
nop, it pretty much take long.

first hearing in january, her lawyer showed me as a monster, referee was ready to nail me. so we did the eventuary hearing in beginning of march and she started to realise that my ex did lies after lies, we couldn't finish so another hearing in end of march, ... same deal, now she was faced with he said she said, we demonstrated that my ex lied under oath, ....

and so now we are waiting for the court order and rulling, ...
well I am still waiting on the ruling from our referee.

my ex filed contempt charges on me, ... long storry I am sure you can find in the archives.

so anyway, still wayting for the referee's rulling
Our Court order state that in case of disagreement, blalblbal you should go to mediation, cost is shared, blablalb la

How do I start the mediation process? she probably won't like to come to it.

Anyone know a mediator that is actually not biaised and not to expensive ?
I am no lawyer and far from being perfect in advises but if the SS is 9 then , maybe he can testify in court that he wants to go live with dad ?

You have to teach him to call 911 or that if he runs away to run away to the police for protection, ..

Just some ideas
Minnesota State Forum / RE: some MORE updates
Feb 01, 2005, 01:17:13 PM
Ok so we had court today with referee Redin which I thought was "fair and expected"
she had read the case and knew what was talked about.

Bottom line is she did cut the crap on the crap and set aanother hearing for the contempt issue (2H and not more) I bet she has her mind set already but I can't figure what way.

So here we go, another day in court, another matter not resolved, ... until next time
she is apparently "smart"
she rules her court and likes to direct the way she likes it.

She seems unbiaised so far.

She did cut the crap out and realise what was out of line but she kept the real issue for another hearing.

She reads papers which is good. she knew the number of volumes in my case and dates and stuff like that, ...
anyone has experiences (good of bad) of rule 11 of civil procedure ?
for info: He was "Fair" and by the rule. didn't read any motion but was at least fair