My atty was with me in court. We showed all the documentation, copies of checks, payment records from CSE, everything. The father makes 3x what I do, 2 yrs ago he got this new job making 75k/ he doesn't need my money, this is all retaliation/revenge on his part.
I have never asked for a reduction in CS amount. I have always paid as per the CO. Then the last time we went to court, 2yrs ago, I still paid even though I was not ordered to do so. My ex admitted this in court today. He wasn't disputing that I paid something, he was saying I refused to pay the CO amount. The problem with this is not only was this not true, but at the time I wasn't ordered to pay at how can a judge be stupid enough to believe that I refused and willfully violated a CS order when there wasn't one in effect?
My daughter has been stuck living with this jerk for too long...she's 14 now ad wants out...she's wanted out the whole time, but when my ex continually files frivolous motions, I can't fight for custody because I'm stuck arguing with him over menial, stupid things he brings up in court. Majority are dismissed, but it keeps him in control and that's what he wants. Or he makes up deals that he never follows and the motions end up sitting in limbo & eventually dismissed as well.
My only recourse as of now I believe, is to appeal this judge's decision. But I really need to find out the lagalities as far as what happens to a temporary order when a motion in court for something totally unrelated is can the temp order be dismissed as well when it deals with something totally separate? Also, I need to know what constitutes a legal binding contract between two parties...him signing and cashing my CS checks should have proven that he accepted our agreement, but because he said he didn't make an agreement with me, the judge wouldn't even listen to my side of the story. The judge said I needed it in writing...well, that's the whole problem here, my ex never wrote the letter for court as promised, but instead continued to cash my checks....then decides to take me back to court for can that be construed as me violating an order?
I have always abided by this CO, even though I have been screwed in every way possible because of the wording. Instead of using it as a guideline as you are supposed to, my ex uses it word for word and if it doesn't specifically say I can see my daughter, he won't let me see her. I have lost lots of time with her, but can't even bring it up in court because he is the only one they listen to...frustrating to say the least.
They act like I'm a deadbeat when in fact I am better than most & have always done what I'm supposed to...even if it means that I have to look like I give in.....not fair doesn't even begin to cover it....
I have never asked for a reduction in CS amount. I have always paid as per the CO. Then the last time we went to court, 2yrs ago, I still paid even though I was not ordered to do so. My ex admitted this in court today. He wasn't disputing that I paid something, he was saying I refused to pay the CO amount. The problem with this is not only was this not true, but at the time I wasn't ordered to pay at how can a judge be stupid enough to believe that I refused and willfully violated a CS order when there wasn't one in effect?
My daughter has been stuck living with this jerk for too long...she's 14 now ad wants out...she's wanted out the whole time, but when my ex continually files frivolous motions, I can't fight for custody because I'm stuck arguing with him over menial, stupid things he brings up in court. Majority are dismissed, but it keeps him in control and that's what he wants. Or he makes up deals that he never follows and the motions end up sitting in limbo & eventually dismissed as well.
My only recourse as of now I believe, is to appeal this judge's decision. But I really need to find out the lagalities as far as what happens to a temporary order when a motion in court for something totally unrelated is can the temp order be dismissed as well when it deals with something totally separate? Also, I need to know what constitutes a legal binding contract between two parties...him signing and cashing my CS checks should have proven that he accepted our agreement, but because he said he didn't make an agreement with me, the judge wouldn't even listen to my side of the story. The judge said I needed it in writing...well, that's the whole problem here, my ex never wrote the letter for court as promised, but instead continued to cash my checks....then decides to take me back to court for can that be construed as me violating an order?
I have always abided by this CO, even though I have been screwed in every way possible because of the wording. Instead of using it as a guideline as you are supposed to, my ex uses it word for word and if it doesn't specifically say I can see my daughter, he won't let me see her. I have lost lots of time with her, but can't even bring it up in court because he is the only one they listen to...frustrating to say the least.
They act like I'm a deadbeat when in fact I am better than most & have always done what I'm supposed to...even if it means that I have to look like I give in.....not fair doesn't even begin to cover it....