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Messages - snapplegirl69

Massachusetts State Forum / RE: Paper's Served
Jan 28, 2006, 02:31:50 PM
Yes you can.You go right down to your local family probate court and can get copies on the spot.If you cant and are going to have them mailed to you,tell her you want to see these so called papers.As for more money,its not court ordered,so tell her until it is court ordered,you will only give what is ordered.Dont let this bm screw you.You know all of theses bm tactics make me sick.It makes the decent women look bad and in turn,guy wont want to have kids with them because of the bad ones!
Oh man,I am from western ma too.Our court is in lee,ma though.
Since there is no court order to stop visitation,she is full of it.Also since you have a somewhat type of custody of the children,she cant up and move without you saying yes.She can,but kids cant.Get a lawyer asap.She needs to proove moving the kids out of where they live now is in the best interest.not because it is too expensive here.The judges dont care about that.Good luck
Massachusetts State Forum / CS Guidelines review
Aug 21, 2005, 04:26:42 PM
Anyone know when the MA CS guidelines will be finished reviewing?
BM is on welfare.She has a paralegal degree,but since ss is 3 1/2,she doesnt have to have her income imputed into cs until he is 6.She lives with her bf,his dd and ss.Her car is in her mothers name,so on paper it looks like she has nothing.She receives cs and welfare.Is there anyway to report her and for welfare to see she is living with someone who has an income and she has an asset?We are in MA by the ways.Thanks(I dont want to go down to the welfare offcie,so I was thinking maybe a letter?)
What exactly qualifies for one parent to claim Child Care expenses?And can the person the child lives with only claim that,or the one who can prove they paid more support?
It definately is.Nice how the bm's can cry poor,but yet get like $3000 back just because they have a kid,and dont even support the kid.our bm is on welfare w?a paralegal degree.But my stupid state will pay her to sit on her fat butt,collect cs,then give her MORE money around tax time for mooching on the system?I dont even want to get into all the cs AND gas my fiancee lives 2 hours away and bm WILL NOT help with rides.Im guessing 6+ grand this year,but i guess she is entitled to that money,no the person actually working for it
What I cant believe they can receive cs,welfare,not support the child with their own noney,AND STILL receive this money.What a bunch of bull
Quote:1) Can my DD file for child support for OSS since SHE is supporting OSS, not BM? I know that this could potentially bite us as they may try to make dh pay cs as well, but let's pretend that isn't going to happen, ok?

As far as I believe,the only person who will receive cs is the one who has custody of still has custody,so she should be sending your dd cs.

It wont bite your dh because bm has no children living with her,so he wouldnt have to pay her anything.She might be ordered to pay cs since she is not supporting any child now
So my df will have to try to get bm to sign the 8332?How come she can let her mom claim him and df doesnt have a say in it?nice..