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Messages - gnick

Dear Socrateaser / False Reports
Jan 04, 2006, 02:22:30 PM
I reside in Ohio my case is heard in Fairfield County Ohio (Lancaster,Oh). I have a problem with my ex-husband. He frequently has the police department  perform well being checks when I have our child. He also continues to make false reports to Children's Services. I have documentation of C.S. investigations being opened and closed with no problems found. As well as police reports saying that there were no problems found during their visits. Although when we last went to court the investigations were brought up as reason for him interfering with my visitation time with our daughter. Of course they do not tell who filed the C.S. reports but I do know that it is him. So he is benefitting from his own wrong doing.

 1. Do I have any control over stopping the harrassment?
 2. Are there any consequences he can face for the false reports or harrassment against myself and others in my home?                                                 3  Is there any legal way to obtain information from C.S. as far as where the calls to them came from?
4.  With all the reports saying that investigations were closed and well being checks found everything well with the children.....Can this still be used against me by the courts?

thank you
 I live in Ohio and it is state law here that if you have a child and are legally married reguardless of paternity your husband by law must be listed as the father on the birthcertificate.  I had been seperated from my (now) ex-husband for 2 years and was living with the my daughters birth father. I had to wait until the divorce was final and have it noted in the divorce decree that he was not the father of my youngest. Considering both men agreed on the actual paternity of the child no DNA testing was ordered. However I recently tried to get a copy of the birth certificate which reflected the change of the listed father. Vital statistics office told me that only the birth father could get a court order for the change and he would have to file for the birth certificate. My suggestion would be to see that this change was made and then to consult an attorney as to what rights you have. I do not understand how the court would order visitation if it is legally found that this man has no biological connection with the child. Good luck to you.
Visitation Issues / RE: Sick and Tired
Jan 04, 2006, 01:25:29 PM
 I understand where your friend is comming from. Believe me it is not only in Oklahoma. My daughter's father vilotated our court ordered shared parenting orders for six months. In those six months of alienation between myself and my daughter he has threatened her and for all I know brainwashed her until she told a counselor alot of terrible lies about me. She has always wanted to live with me and still does but she is terrified what will happen if she speaks up and tells everyone (counselor, court, GAL etc.) the truth. He has also caused trouble with my younger child (not his daughter). I am getting visitations again but almost everytime my oldest goes back home I have children's services showing up on my door step over false reports of abuse on my youngest. Each time they come and see there is no problem and drop the investigation. I have been dealing with these problems since 2002 as well. I get sick of everything my ex and his live-in say being taken as the gossiple and I am made to look like a liar and a horrible mother. I have tried to push for joint counseling and the court sits on there thumbs. I have went on my own to get phsyc. evaluations as well as offered to take regular alcohol and drug tests. The court dont seem to want to give me the chance to prove myself. Now that I have pushed for joint counseling my ex stopped taking the child for therapy. I would think the court would question why! I feel for your friend, we dont want to make things worse for the children. Although sometimes doing what is best seems like an impossible feat!