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Messages - taz_bb2

Custody Issues / Split custody
May 10, 2006, 07:28:11 AM
I am just beginning the divorce process. Will probably be seperated tonight or tomorrow.

We have 2 children, a 6 yr old boy and 12 yr old girl. My girl has already told me that she wants to live with me. She knows what's going on, and sees too much of my wife's Mom in her. (History of physical and emotional abuse in my wife's childhood. Borderline emotional/mental abuse with our children)

What are in the chances of a split custody arrangement from the courts? My wife will fight this tooth and nail as she wants to "take me to the cleaners." I'm willing for my boy to live with her, and my daughter to live with me, which I think is the best for everyone.

We live in FL, if it helps. Thanks everyone.