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Messages - Justce07

Dear Socrateaser / RE: Despirate for good advice
Jun 25, 2006, 03:34:44 PM
Thank you so much!  
Just a few more questions.

1. If she moved out, started paying rent to the freinds she moved in with (I have a bank statement showing payment).  Moved a lot of her furniture out.  E-mails for months stating she was leaving.  Then filled the protective order after seeing her lawyer.  Will I be allowed to move back into the house even if she is requesting to stay there until the house sells?

2.  Are letters from character witnesses good to have?

3.  She has admitted to commiting adultery, we decided to work the seperation agreement out between us, now she has filled a complaint for divorce against me for domestic violeance.  Does it matter if I file on adultery against her? If so when should I do it?

4. It is my understanding that she plans on dropping the protective order and trying to reach a settlement at the Pede Lite hearing scheduled on the same day.  Is there anything I should know or be concerned about?

5.  In your response to my first e-mail you said it is almost impossible to win the protective order, but you stated that if she were to call you to talk that would show she does not "have fear".  Well she did asked to meet me and we did.  My protective order says no contact other than text message.  I asked her if we had approval to meet and she said yes.  My lawyer said it doesn't matter that she wanted to meet the court order said text only.  would it be a bad thing to bring up that we met and she wasn't affraid if thats the case?
Dear Socrateaser / RE: Despirate for good advice
Jun 25, 2006, 03:34:44 PM
Thank you so much!  
Just a few more questions.

1. If she moved out, started paying rent to the freinds she moved in with (I have a bank statement showing payment).  Moved a lot of her furniture out.  E-mails for months stating she was leaving.  Then filled the protective order after seeing her lawyer.  Will I be allowed to move back into the house even if she is requesting to stay there until the house sells?

2.  Are letters from character witnesses good to have?

3.  She has admitted to commiting adultery, we decided to work the seperation agreement out between us, now she has filled a complaint for divorce against me for domestic violeance.  Does it matter if I file on adultery against her? If so when should I do it?

4. It is my understanding that she plans on dropping the protective order and trying to reach a settlement at the Pede Lite hearing scheduled on the same day.  Is there anything I should know or be concerned about?

5.  In your response to my first e-mail you said it is almost impossible to win the protective order, but you stated that if she were to call you to talk that would show she does not "have fear".  Well she did asked to meet me and we did.  My protective order says no contact other than text message.  I asked her if we had approval to meet and she said yes.  My lawyer said it doesn't matter that she wanted to meet the court order said text only.  would it be a bad thing to bring up that we met and she wasn't affraid if thats the case?
Dear Socrateaser / Despirate for good advice
Jun 22, 2006, 05:30:06 AM
I live in VA and have been married just under 4 years.  My wife and daughter also reside in VA.  My daughter is just under 3 years old.

My wife is 29 and I am 32.  For the past year she has been going out and not returning home somtimes without a call.  2 years ago I believe she had an affair with a 19 year old no real proof other than 8 hour phone records and friends speculations. I found e-mails 2 months ago to a 22 year old she had been sleeping with.

After reading the e-mails I was pretty sure, but in denial I guess.  I tried to keep my family together got books, cousiling,....  She finally confessed, to me and others.  We drafted a SA together had my lawyer review. Requested her to bring it to a lawyer, but a month went by without action.  She moved out and was paying rent with her friends.

She finally went to see her lawyer and the next day I was served a protective order for domestic violence.  I was ordered to leave the house and have no contact with her or my daughter.  I couldn't believe the acusations "lies".

I've since been back to court with as much evideance against the alogations as possible.  Her lawyer is a pit bull, mine I hired to just type up what we agreed to.  The hearing was continued and I was granted visitation and the ability to text message my wife for visitation communication.

I don't have a place to live.  I was served a divorce complaint wanting everything.  I go back to court next friday.

1.  I have wtnesses and evidence for most acusations.  Should I contest the protective order?

2.  I have a Pende Lite hearing the same day.  How should I prepare and what should I expect?

3.  Should I get an apartment?  I can't have my daughter sleeping at friends houses.

4.  All my nieghbors, her friends, her family all know what a great husband and father I am and are disgusted with her actions.  She admitted to my neighbor she filled the order on advice from her lawyer to get back in the house.  Can or how can this be used?

5.  I Love my daughter more than anything in this world.  I've been the responsible parent while she's been out partying at bars.  What things can I do to ensure Joint legal and Physical custoday?

6.  My wife is a good mother when convienant.  I want my daughter to have a safe place when with her.  Should I agree to extra child support or temp spousal to ensure a safe place?  On principal I have a hard time with spousal, but this isn't about me
Father's Issues / Help me Please!
Jun 21, 2006, 02:09:33 PM
I am 32 years old and my wife 29.  We have known each other for 14 years, but have been married just under 4 years.  We have a 2 and a half year old daughter who means the world to me.  Anyone who knows us and has lived with us always says I'm a great husband and the best father they have ever known.  I've always supported our family, allowed my wife to stay home with our daughter for almost 2 years.  I always get my daughter up in the morning, showered, dressed and fed.  When I come home from work I play with her for hours and always put her to bed.  After having my daughter my wife seemed very depressed and I tried to reach her, but she seemed like a lifeless zombie.  I would get the your a great dad and a great husband I don't know whats wrong with me response from her.  When I get home from work she would leave frequently to go out with her single friends.  The frequency increased over time and eventually she would stay out and not return without even a phone call.  We tried counsiling, but when the Dr. referred her to a physcologist she cancalled all the appointments and wouldn't go back.  I knew somthing was going on and found myspace e-mails to a guy she had been seeing.  We put togther a seperation agreement and jointly decided I would bring it to a lawyer to put in the "correct" format and then she would bring it to a lawyer for review and be done with it.  Almost a month later she finally went to see a lawyer and the next day I was served with a protective order accusing me of domestic violance. "Lies"  I've been a great husband to my wife and a great father.  She left was paying rent at a new place and after seeing a lawyer BAM!  I slept on friends couches for a week with no contact with my daughter.  When we went to court my lawyer convinved me to wait until circuit court to fight the alogations.  I really felt like I had proof and witnesses to disprove her acusations.  Sitting back and not fighting what were lies felt wrong.  I feel like I'm getting hit with a water hose, everyone is a lier and I don't know who to trust.  So we continued the protective order with a modification to allow me visitation to my daughter upon text message approval from my wife.  I don't have a place to live.  I love my daughter and want to see her every minute, but I don't even have a place to live.  I'm still paying a mortgage, no furniture. Do I get an apartment?  Will I get my house back?  Where do I go from here.  I have court in a week and a half. I've been served with a divorce complaint.  A protective order hearing in the morning and a Pende Lite hearing in the afternoon.