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Messages - pdxparent

Dear Socrateaser / RE: joint custody ???
Sep 08, 2006, 09:32:03 AM
Thanks for your reply.

Other incidents have more recently come to light, including at least one situation where mother was observed by third party talking to herself extensively, as if she was hearing voices, and obsessively scratching and picking at herself at a school meeting last night, as well as an aggressive outburst, completely unprovoked, at me during the meeting (screaming at me about how sending him to this school was yet another attempt by me to "crush" her, and storming out of the meeting). My son also admitted to his counselor that he was afraid of his mother when she acted like that, but he has been very guarded about detailing actual situations concerning her.

I am becoming increasingly concerned that it is damaging for my son to be exposed to this type of behaviour. I am afraid that she may be seriously mentally unstable.

I have a good lawyer, and while I'm not super-rich, I will gather the funds necessary to push this through.


What would my chances be if I tried to get temporary custody pending a psychological evaluation of her, me, whoever?

The custody agreement cannot be appealed, since it was signed before trial. Can I still reopen the case and ask for a psych. eval. on these grounds?

Thanks again for your help.
Dear Socrateaser / joint custody ???
Aug 30, 2006, 10:35:33 AM
I am in OR, Multnomah County. Joint legal and physical custody order signed 6/06.

Child (6 years old) is physically with mother slightly more than 50%, to satisfy the residency requirements of her federal housing ( more than 50%). Since judgement was entered, I have obtained paperwork from said federal housing that states that if a joint custody order is in place, the child only has to live there AT LEAST 50% of the time, as opposed to more than 50 %.

Included in order is wording prohibiting derogatory statements about  the other parent, their spouse, or any other family member. Mother was recently overheard saying to child that she hated everything about her stupid ex and that he (child) was not allowed to acknowledge anyone he knows from his "other life" when he is with her. Communication has been, to say the least, very difficult.

Also included in order is mandatory counseling sessions for both parents in order to better communicate about the child. At first counseling meeting, mother became volatile and cursed out counselor, father, and father's wife ( not present at counseling session) and refused to attend any more sessions with counselor. Counselor says she had a very negative impression of mother and now sees what she has to deal with. Counselor has ongoing counseling relationship with child for 5+ months now.


1. Are the overheard statements worthy of filing contempt? Would it actually get me anywhere to do so?

2. Is counselor's opinion enough to think about modifying/changing custody? I settled for joint simply because I thought going to trial would be harder on my son and I know he loves his mother despite her significant anger issues. I am worried, though, that her unwillingness to work together is going to make joint custody untenable.

3. Can I change the parenting time to 50/50 since her housing requirements are different than what she said they were? Would there be a legal advantage/disadvantage to this later on if I decide to try for sole custody based on her behaviour? She currently has him only a few hours more than I do.

Thanks in advance.