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Messages - AMGs DADDY

Some of us Okies may live hillbilly ways, but we still love our kids.  Why is it that no matter what the issue, the law still sees that babies don't need to be away from their momma?  What about if she attempted suicide while knowing she was pregnant with the baby?  Why does that not even matter. What if she has 3 other children and one she doesn't keep half the time because she despizes her? Hmmmmmmmmm Somebody please give me some closure.
yea man, I would greatly appreciate that!! I would sell my soul for my daughter.  She is my life. With her money is no object.  I will find it one way or another.  Please get me the info on this guy ASAP.  
Does anyone know of a good attorney in Oklahoma?
Father's Issues / RE: Do I have a chance?
Aug 31, 2006, 08:08:47 PM
Thank you so much for giving me a sense of hope.  Can you point me in the right direction?  Should I find another lawyer and seek full custody right off the bat?  I don't know where to start.
Father's Issues / Do I have a chance?
Aug 30, 2006, 01:49:44 PM
Let me start with the story..."T" and I met, dated, and moved in together with her 2 children.  I took care of all of them like they were my family.  That is how I felt.  "T" wasn't recieving child support from their father.  We were going to get married, but just before that date arrived, I found out a lot of "not so good" things.  She had been lying to me about money, family, friends, jobs, where she graduated from, you name it. I even found out then that she had another kid who lives with her dad.  She and her kids had moved around from place to place, friends house to grandma's house.  Regular gypies.   Well being the nice guy that I am I decided to give her a chance, after all people change.  The very day I confronted her on these issues, in a nice way, she told me she was pregnant.  Wanting to do the right thing, I decided to set a date a little farther down the road and work this past mysterious life style out.  She then told me she lost the baby.  Things got better between us, I figured she had been through enough losing a baby and all.  As soon as problems arose again, (bogus checks, warrants, lie after lie), she became pregnant again.  The pregnancy was going well, or so I thought, until I came home from work one day and found a suicide note.  She begged me to take care of her kids, she was sorry for what she had put me through.  I took action of coarse.  She went to the quack house for a while and was dismissed with orders to continue treatment. (Which she has not) I helped her through it , our baby was born.  She is a very beautiful baby and so far no problems.  At times "T" would become frustrated and start fights with me (violent ...she would throw things at me, break things).  Still being the nice guy I am, and loving her and the kids I hung in there.  Last month we went on vacation with my sister and her husband.  My sister caught "T" trying to convice her husband to mess around.  That was it for me.  She stays from place to place again.  Since she moved out and left her belongings, I have found more things, such as she filed for food stamps, sooner care, finacial assistance on behalf of my daughter stating to the government that I deny paying child support.  I have proof in all of this, even the suicide letter.  Right now, we are getting the baby on a 4 day rotation.  I can't stand this.  She comes back to me fussy for a couple days like she is starving.  "T" would never harm her, but I feel like I could provide for my daughter and care for her.  This woman is crazy and I am afraid if she tries to end it all again, she might try to take someone with her.  "T" won't even get a job.  The lawyer I talked to basically told me that a baby needs her momma and that the suicide wouldn't even make it in court.  Do I have a chance in getting full custody?  My sister thinks I need to seed out a woman lawyer.  I am afraid I will lose all rights because of unjustice.  Please help