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Messages - dennis_halsey

can you see the title of this forum--->Child Support Issues

I am having a frigging nightmare with this shit, ok

why are you in here if you don't understand?

Hey listen, let's hogtie you and lock you up for 5 years over not being able to pay yoru child support and see if you understand then

I posted my infor

so some rich caring person might just go online and pay my fricken bill before I am condemened!

I will kill myself in two days If I have to go to jail over this

so i hope you understand

do you want me to post more information?

would that shock you?
Child Support Issues / Child Support Hell
Oct 28, 2006, 03:54:08 PM
Child Support Hell
Saturday, October 28, 2006

My name is Dennis Halsey
My address is 417 Barnett Drive, #28
Kingsport, TN 37664
My phone number is 423-349-8095
I am 44 years old.

Thank you for taking the time to listen to my story. It is a nightmare of how the family law system, injustice and emotional and mental pain and fear has taken it's toll on me.

Here's my situation:

I paid great until the middle of this year and I had a terrible car wreck, and I became homeless for about 4 months. I got behind about $1000.00 during this period. The prosecutor and judge (Sandra Spivey and Judge Linda Oncox in Blountville, TN) are very wicked women and they do not care what happened to me (they actually said that). I am back to work now (end of Oct). I am making just barely poverty wages.  I have to go back to court on Wednesday NOV 1 and I was supposed to make two payments of $203.00 plus $40.00 towards arrearage. I have a couple of days left and I just now am started to getting paid. The judge told me she would give me an unlimited jail term if this was not done. I am screwed and tore all to pieces. I would rather die than go through this horrible nightmare. That's one way to make it all stop.

One child has been 18 for 6 months, does not attend school, and does not live with custodial parent and I am still having to pay for her.

This woman is soon to be ex wife's sister (Phyllis Trent, 1608 Watauga Street, Kingsport, TN). She has custody of two children and a third one that is not mine, but that I have raised her until she was 6 years old. I love my children and this woman is mean to me and to them and she cares not about any of us and she is keeping me in court and in trouble and worried and not working with me to see the children. She has brainwashed all the children to hate me now. There mother is a drug addict and she lost custody of them, but this evil sister still lets them go and stay with their mother 3 or 4 days per week, and the sister is not even present at home most of the time, and is doing subtle emotional damage to them. I smart, good man, and I would do anything to make all of this right. These evil women make it impossible and they have too much power. It is a nightmare. Please help me.

I pay for a 16 year old son that I adopted and who was stolen illegally from me and an 18 year old daughter who by law I am not supposed to be paying for. There is a little 8 year old girl, Mariah who loves me the most and she is not even mine, but I even loved her enough to raise her and take care of her until she was 6. She hurts every night missing her daddy. The thought of her pain and cries is almost unbearable to me. Her evil caretakers and the law try to keep us apart, and they punish me and the children for trying to do what is right, even when things don't go so well, and for doing what comes natural and what is our God-given right, to be a family.

You can review my case at:
Click on make a payment half way down the right side of the page
My social security number is 402-96-9771
My case number is 002444830
My payment amount is 203.00 per month.
I am about 6 months behind.

If you could talk to me and know me, you would know that I have owned several small businesses and have the potential to make millions per year. In 1994 my company was voted the number one small business in the city of Kingsport, TN.  I have done great things in the past, but this night mare is taking all my life from me, and I barely can function anymore. Even so, they still punish me. How long will they do it? Until, I am dead? Maybe!
I am a godly man who seeks deep after the truths about God, the universe and ME.
I desire to be moral and to do right.
I have made mistakes, but I try to learn and do better. It seems like there's no way to rise up out of this mire. How will I do it?
I am deeply passionate and I care for people so, so much.
I am heartbroken over my children, and me and them are both scarred from this nightmare. We need to heal and these dark people that watch over my children and suffocate them are blocking any good that could happen.
To me the subtle neglect and injustice of a child is the worst form of abuse possible and is a wrong and hurtful control of their innocent minds. The breaking of father child bonds is one of the worst curses on this earth. Read the last verse in the Old Testament and see how bad it is. See how important this one this is to the creator of the universe.

This treatment brings nightmarish heartbreaking pain to all involved, mainly the children and father. This subtle torture is no different than Hitler keeping innocent Jews in concentration camps. The current family law system mingled with dark minded lower conscious custodial Jezebel-like dominant female custodians that do not truly love the children or anyone for that matter are creating a lose-lose situation and a hell-like situation for the children and for fairly normal decent lower middle class fathers who all really love their children. This is the greatest injustice in the world. I weep for the children and the Fathers.

I could try and speak for them, but I am told to be quiet by the law keepers and they call me a deadbeat nobody. They want to just do away with me by putting me in a dark jail, which does no good for anyone. This nightmare has broken me into a depressed, broken person and I honestly can't bear this anymore. I can't focus on work and I am becoming increasingly disturbed by all of this. How do I hold it all together?

I have a new family now that I love too, and I stand to lose both families, and all that I love, especially my freedom!

What can I do? I can't do anything, can I? Maybe if they crucified me on the courthouse steps, it would server their form of justice? Will that cause it all to stop? Do I just go and say imprison me for the rest of my days, and leave me be! Do I get in my car and drive to the ends of the Earth and hide as a hermit for my days left? Do I go to the dark side and practice voodoo on the evil ones. (I love God and the light too much and I would not really do this, though it might create some kind of universal justice.)

I have been tortured terribly by these judges and parents in the past and it causes great incapacitating fear to come on me. What is happening in this world? Men are going to destroy himself very soon if he does not turn all this insanity around. It seems that no-one really cares or someone would do something. If I had a position of great power and wealth, I would certainly do something to make it all right at all costs. There is no true freedom anymore. Men cannot think for themselves, they behave like controlled robots and think not much higher than animals, they believe all the lies they are told and they live in an illusion they call real. None of it is good. Nothing is good on this Earth. Only God and love and personal freedom, family and true justice are good. The consciousness of man is sinking deeper into the mire!

I honestly love my children and they love me very much. I miss them and I want to be their father more than anything the world. I want to do the right thing.

Anyway, that is my story. I thank you for anything you can do. At least pray, for these are truly perilous times, and I do not see how any man will overcome all of these things.

I am truly good and I believe in God and America and I am so thankful for what I do have.

I know the men who founded this country broke away from tyranny to be free of any control, and they built this country on the premise that men were free and creative and could think for themselves. Boy this has surely changed!

I pray that this letter is read and touched by someone who gives a care!

Dennis Halsey