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Messages - tmm1225

Custody Issues / RE: I want my daughter back
Mar 12, 2007, 04:07:26 AM
Thank you so much for your advice. I found a family advocate who is going to help with the paperwork and I'll hopefully be rec. free legal aid.
Custody Issues / RE: I want my daughter back
Mar 09, 2007, 09:13:49 AM
what is a pro-se?
Custody Issues / RE: I want my daughter back
Mar 09, 2007, 09:11:31 AM
Yes the kids are enrolled in my county. They have been.  No CS in place. I picked up my son. I just found out that he does not have an exparte on me but that the paperwork is for custody and child support. What difference does this make?

Yes. Actually the car accident made me realize that my family counts more than the money.
Custody Issues / RE: I want my daughter back
Mar 09, 2007, 08:38:08 AM
thanks so much for your info. I'll do that right now.
Custody Issues / RE: I want my daughter back
Mar 09, 2007, 08:30:13 AM
Thanks. I'm lucky enough to have had a substantial retirement. Unfortunately I have to wait for the check.
Custody Issues / RE: I want my daughter back
Mar 09, 2007, 08:12:54 AM
I don't have a court order other than the child support paperwork. The police department in that town would not even assist even if I had proof that she was residing with me for this amount of time. The main problem is that he has told friends that I am not allowed to speak with her until the custody is completed ... that could be years. By what I've been seeing. He hasn't left the state he's in a different county. Here's the clincher. She is enrolled in an elementary school on a Dept. of defense base. Somehow he has gotten her enrolled in a different school. She is now enrolled in two schools.

>In addition to Jade's suggestion to get an attorney
>immediately, I have a more immediate suggestion.
>Do you have a court order for custody? If so and the father
>will not return the children, he's in violation of the court
>order - and needs to suffer the consequences. Take your court
>order to the police and file a kidnapping report. If they
>won't do anything and if the father is in a different state,
>call the FBI. Heck, you might be able to call the FBI even if
>he lives in your state if you have any reason to believe he
>might have left the state.
>If you don't have a valid court order, then get your attorney
>to file an emergency ex parte hearing. NOW.
Custody Issues / I want my daughter back
Mar 08, 2007, 07:38:46 PM
Can anyone help me? We were never married. I have been recieving child support as primary custody of my children which I was told would be enough if my ex decided to keep my two children. I have never kept my children from seeing thier father in fact for 4 years I only lived 15 minutes away from him. He has not been consitent and has never called before a thursday night to pick up the kids. I have always given him the children even if it wasn't his weekend due to he may have picked them up 3 -4 weeks before that. I have always felt that their father should be involved but I stopped calling , begging and reminding him about how long it had been, come see the kids over the years.

I was in a head on collison back in May of last year , my husband had reenlisted into the military and lived 5 hours from the kids and I. I dwelled on wether or not to keep my job (which was cozy and paid the bills) or to make a change give up eating out and buying designer clothes for the kids and stop one extra activity So I could be home and  to give all my attention to my children. I have met my ex at the halfway point several times since the move and have encouraged him to call the children. I even went so far as to offer to bring the kids to him and then bring them back.

What happened in return is he met me on a friday. Took the kids to his place (which i didn't know the address of) He refused to give me back my daughter and dropped my son off at a mutual friends. I have not seen nor heard from my daughter since. My ex nor his wife will return any of my phone calls. My son cries every night for his sister.

He has taken an exparte out but was having it delivered to the wrong county and the county that the exparte order was issued would not be the correct county due to my children have never lived in that county.

I would have agreed to a trial change of home for them to spend the summer with their father. If he would have listened to reason on that sunday.Due to he has threatened this before but always brought them back after three days.

I have found out that he and his wife have a violent relationship and I'm not surprised because he took a swing or to at me (that's why I left). The son is his he tells everyone that he isn't his ( he did the same thing with my daughter ).

Please I have not heard from her in almost two weeks. I have never not talked to her for more than 2 days. She has only been gone once for two weeks to her grandparents in the last 8 years. NOt only has he hurt me but also 4 sets of grandparents and numerous friends that love and care for these kids as if they are their own.