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Messages - Sterling

Father's Issues / About Alec and because I care
Apr 28, 2007, 07:59:07 AM
I posted this on another site, but thought I should share it with you here.  Please read it.  

All About Alec - all the time

Amazingly little of what has been written about Alec Baldwin's angry phone message to his daughter has mentioned the inherent narcissism. One only has to go to YouTube and listen to his 2 minute and 15 second rant to have the message that it's ALL ABOUT ALEC - all the time, come through loud and clear.

In the first minute alone he makes 15 references to himself. That's an average of one self-reference every 4 seconds. The second minute was worse with 20 references to himself, an average of one every 3 seconds. The last 15 seconds contained 'only' 2 references to himself, but it also contained the ugly personal attack on his daughter.

This is narcissism writ large. The numbers above, while instructive, don't really tell the story. So the following is provided for the rest of the story.

01 .....I want to tell ...
02 .....I want to leave a message ...
03/04 ..I've made an ass of myself ...
05 .....the time comes for me
06/07 ..I stop whatever I'm doing
08/09 ..I go and I make ...
10 .....I want you to know ...
11 .....I'm tired of playing ...
12 .....I'm leaving this message ...
13 .....have insulted me ...
14 .....have insulted me ... (repeat)
15 .....I don't give a damn

1 minute/60 seconds

16 far as I am concerned
17 .....have humiliated me ...
18 .....When I come out there
19 .....I'm going to fly ...
20 .....I'm going to let ...
21 .....disappointed in you I am
22 angry I am
23 .....done this to me again
24 .....made me feel like ...
25 .....made me feel like a fool
26 .....crap you pull one me ...
27 it to me constantly
28 .....I'm going to get on ...
29 .....I'm going to come out ...
30 .....I'm going to straighten ...
31 .....when I see you
32 .....Do you understand me?
33 .....I'm going to really ...
34 .....then I'm going to get
35 .....I'm going to come ...

2 minutes/120 seconds

36 .....ready to meet with me
37 I feel ...

2 minutes 15 seconds/135 seconds

Between 9 and 10 he blames his daughter. Between 14 and 15 he blames her again and personally attacks her. Between 26 and 27 he blames her again. After 37 he has the extended personal attack on her that everyone is now familiar with. But the real message is that Alec Baldwin has the ego of an infant who can only think in terms of me! Me! ME! ME!!

I do not know Mr. Baldwin or Ms. Basinger or their daughter, but I know a number of couples who have been through a divorce as probably the entire adult population of the United States do. It was never the fault of the children.

That being said, I don't know anyone who exhibits Alex Baldwin's incredible level of self absorption, deep narcissism, and focus on personal feelings to the complete exclusion of others.

The most amazing thing about all of this is how all the commentary has been focused on Mr. Baldwin's ugly words to his daughter near the end of his self absorbed rant and virtually ignored the deep seated narcissism exhibited throughout.

Thirty-seven references to himself in 135 seconds – an average of one reference to himself every 3.7 seconds.

9 of the 37 references refer directly to his feelings or how he believes he has been personally attacked.
- insulted me
- insulted me
- humiliated me
- how angry I am
- made me feel
- made me feel
- pull on me
- do it to meet
- how I feel

It was all about Alec all the time.

How and why did all the public commentators miss this? Is this level of vanity and/or self-absorption so rampant in our culture it is no longer noticed? Maybe the personal attack at the end was so vile the obvious was overlooked and missed.

My common sense and observation tells me this focus on self borders on the dangerous. This person and those like him are to be avoided.

Now (addendum) Alec Baldwin assumes he will become a speaker about the problem of "parental alienation" - a problem that clearly exists. Just as all adults know someone who has been divorced, most also know someone who has suffered parental alienation due to the actions of a former spouse.

Those that I have met and talked with (and prayed with) suffered greatly due to this alienation. However, to a person, they were all more concerned about their child or children instead of themselves. This is not the case here.

Alex Baldwin is not the right person to become the spokesman about the problem of parential alienation because for him it is always about alec all the time.