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Messages - mak3535

I have 2 boys 6 & 8.  I have joint legal custody with the Mom having parent of primary residence.  My son has stated that mommys BF has hit him in the past.  This past weekend he came with me and stated he was hit , but this time he was bruised.  DYFS states it was only an isolated incident and will no longer be pursuing the case and let them off with a warning.  Police recommend that I don't file charges against Mom's BF because it will cause more harm in the long run for my son.  My son who was hit is 8.  When asked if he is afraid of Mommys BF he just states 'I don't know'.  When asked if he wants mommys BF gone he states 'YES'.  My son also stated that Mom & BF told him that Mommy can get into a lot of trouble and that he might never see her again if he continues to tell people what happened.  I am so lost and confused.  I feel as the police & DYFS could care less about what happened to my son.  Do I have any further action that I can take.  The day I found out I took my son to the pediatrician and had it documented what happened as well as took pictures of his bruise.  Please help!!!
Sad & upset in NJ!