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Messages - jzurinsky

Child Support Issues / RE: Child Support
Apr 04, 2008, 10:21:35 AM
I have spoke to my attorney on this we are just waiting for the official paper work. I will mention to him about the petition against my parents and see what he says. Obviously my parents aren't thrilled with this. This is been a nightmare for them. I had to file to even see my son and it has been one headache after another. But my son having his father in his life is worth it. I appreciate the advice. Thank you.
Child Support Issues / Child Support
Apr 04, 2008, 07:23:43 AM
Went to FOC child support meeting and they want to base my child support on a 40 hr week when I only work 10-15 hrs. I am temp disabled and my job required me to lift 200 - 300 lbs chains and with my left arm partially paralyzed I can not do this. My employer had put me on temp driving duty and this only requires me to work min. hours. I live alone and my parents help me with my bills. My X lives with her parents. The FOC says since my parents help me with my bills they need to treat it like I work 40 hrs. I will also be providing medical insurance for our son effective July 1. This will not only devastate me even more financially but also my parents. I do provide for him when I have parenting time with him. X provides nothing. We are currently under temp parenting time.I do want to provide our son with everything he needs but I will continually be in arears if this happens. What can I do to show them this? Help!
Child Support Issues / X makes more
Mar 31, 2008, 06:46:07 AM
I go in front of FOC to determine child support tomorrow. I am temp. disabled and I only work on an average 15 hrs per week. So I gross approximately $195 per wk. It has been this way for almost a year. My X has been working 32 hrs per week and is grossing approximately $384 per wk. She is starting 40 hrs per wk today. I have added our son to my medical insurance and will take effect in June. We are still going through a custody issue because I want 50/50 shared legal and physical custody. My parents have been helping me as I live alone and she lives with her parents. I know it doesn't matter but I am concerned that after taxes and medical insurance my child support will take the rest of my income. If I do get 50/50 shared custody will that help my child support payments? I want to help support my son but if she is making more than me......
Visitation Issues / NCP summertime parenting time
Jun 25, 2008, 02:08:55 PM
My X and I have a 7 mo son. I have standard parenting time for Michigan. EOW and every week Wednesday. Holidays alternating. Now we had just finalized everything and I have just noticed that I have 3 weeks in summertime with only 2 consecutive. But in small print it does state that I need to give notice by May 1st. Well obviously it is past May 1st. So how do I exercise that time? This is a standard formed schedule and in the orders it just states "parenting time beginning June 27, 2008 whereby Plaintiff shall begin exercising parenting time as set forth in the 16th Judicial Circuit Reasonable Parenting Time Schedule....." I think when I tell her I want to exercise this time all hell will break loose. So any advice on how to proceed will be greatly appreciated.
Custody Issues / X filed a police report
Jul 14, 2008, 06:32:19 AM
My X and I have a 8 mo old. Went to court and under CO parenting time and child support. We settled for shared legal and her primary residency with me having EOW and 1 day during the week. And of course specific holidays. The standard for fathers in michigan. So in the last couple of weeks after I had sent her a cert/reg letter telling her what days I will have him for summer visitation she started calling me and texting me about how she is getting kicked out of her parents home and she wants to come back to live with me. I told her we would have to talk. So when she came to pick up our son last night we started to talk. She got really frustrated when I told her she wasn't moving back in and then she just starting yelling and screaming at me. So she decided to leave. I walked her out to the car and she was putting our son in the car she was so irate I didn't want our son in the car with her so I took him out. At this point our son was fine and once my X calmed down I gave him back to her and then he got really upset but I let them go and as she was leaving she almost ran over me and I tried to push myself away from the car (I had just closed her door for her). So because I was scared wondering if my son is going to be homeless I decided to go to talk to her father (usually is the sane one). Well needless to say I got to her parents house and her father was very upset because my X told him I hit her car and they were at the police station. He proceeded to threaten to kill me so I left (my father was with me). So I got home and spoke to my atty's (criminal and family) and they told me just to wait to see what happens. So I decided to call the police and tell them this man threatened to kill me and the dispatcher told me they had the whole conversation on tape and if I wanted to go down there then I could file a report. I never went because I felt they wanted me down there to arrest me. Now I am suppose to get our son on Wednesday and I am afraid they will prevent that. I have 2 arrests one that has been discharged (for spousal abuse and the other for disorderly conduct) Nothing with this women or our son. And in court she had said that there was never any domestic violence involving either one of us. So I just don't know what to do. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. And no we were never married and I am proven by DNA to be the father.
Custody Issues / X lied to FOC
Jun 27, 2008, 02:46:25 PM
Ok went to Friend of the Court meeting on March 12, 2008. The FOC evaluator and I had asked my X if our son was baptized. Both families are religious and it is very important to both families that he get baptized. He was born in November 2007. She had said no and said she would contact me if he was going to be. Well found out today that he was! February 10, 2008. So I know that I can't get him baptized again but is there anything I can do with the courts?  
Custody Issues / RE: But.....
Jun 25, 2008, 06:07:29 AM
I do have a case working and I did meet with him on Friday after court. The thing with Michigan is that I will  probably not get any benefits for my son because she has primary care. So needless to say I am stuck! Yes I may get help with food for myself but that is it. It is very hard here to get any assistance.

I do appreciate the help you have given but until I hear from SSD (we are in appeal) then I am stuck with owing the $300.

Custody Issues / RE: But.....
Jun 23, 2008, 03:57:13 PM
I am in the process of appealing SSD. I am awaiting hearing on that. Yes if I do make more money then I will lose anything I get from the state or federal. Unfortunately because mom has primary custody I most likely will not get any help for him with the SSD even though I will be fully supporting him while in my care. So yes this does stink all around.

Would the case manager be the person that evaluated our case like the Friend of the Court? Not sure who the case manager would be. How would I find that out?

And I am keeping a very close eye on the medical issues. I am very concerned with his development because of the lack of nutrition.

Custody Issues / RE: But.............
Jun 23, 2008, 01:05:27 PM
I have been at all the drs appts since this has all started. He has another appt this week friday. I will be talking to the doctor and if our son hasn't thrived then I will be definitely asking more questions. I have spoke with my atty about this issue and he has spoke to her atty and the BM says its because there was an issue with our son going from formula to food. So my atty felt at this time we would just keep an eye on it. I have spoke with the doctor about our sons physical and mental development and what the repercussions will be and as of our last visit he had said he will be keeping an eye on things but gave me some suggestions and what to watch out for. As far as CPS/DHS they have not been contacted as of yet because there is not clear/convincing evidence. I have been told that the doctor (under law) will make a complaint with DHS/CPS. But in the meantime I am definitely keeping a closer eye. And for now it seems as though our son is doing much better. He seems to be a much healthier happier baby!
Custody Issues / RE: How on earth?...m
Jun 23, 2008, 12:17:06 PM
I am just as confused as you are. And to top it off, I am being forced to stop physical therapy, go to work full time and my employer has already said that if I am working full time he wants to see full time work from me. Which I do understand but if I can't do the work then I will be fired. So then where does that leave her with child support. Either nothing or something much less. The actual amount is $367 minus $80 ( providing medical ins) plus $12 for something else. Which I believe comes to $299. But if I do get behind they will not enforce until jan 09. Then I will be expected to pay $10 per month towards arears. Oh I guess I should be thankful for that. This whole thing is exhausted. What makes it really bad is that she was even willing to start long weekend visitation (not waiting until aug 15 as recommended by FOC) but not negotiate the child support. She lives with her parents making over $2000 per month and I live by myself making $780 per month. My parents are doing what they can to help but they shouldn't be asked to pay for my son. Very frustrating!