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Messages - RN069

Thank you for writing, but would you be kind enough to explain it to me because I'm confused. you said "......the mother can collect SSDI for the kids but that is not child support. (the not part confused me)....also, the child support office is involved.  

This is so confusing...the Social Sercurity told them that each child, (he has two) will get, I think 230.00 each. Are you saying that the 230 per child is not considered child support, but instead, they will take up to 65% from his check for his child support obligation, in addition to the checks his kids will get?

Please write back if you can. Thanks, Ocean.

Just a thought, wonder if you could have her emicapated as a adult. Seems to me you could, but I dunno. Hopefully some one here can help you with some advice on what to do. Hope everything works out.
Child Support Issues / FL CS - What to do??
Jul 25, 2008, 01:30:52 PM
Hi, from FL.

My daughter's bf was ordered to pay $780/mo. for child support in addition to retro-active support. Since, he has been found to be mentally incompetent and started recieving SSI - switched to SSDI recently. It may or may not be of use to note that my daughter was appionted as his guardian. In any event, his SSDI benefits will pay a portion of his child support, but not the full amount the court ordered.

Obviously, there is a fear that he can be thrown in jail over the unpaid balance that SSDI does not cover.  

1) Under the circumstances, will the unpaid money keep adding to what he owes....and is there any hope in getting his support payments reduced?

2) If so, what does one need to do to accomplish this?

3) Will the Social Security office or Child Support office handle this for them?

Please respond. Thanks.