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Messages - Justin_delray

Father's Issues / RE: Do yourself a favor....
Aug 06, 2008, 11:02:42 PM
Im in Illinois

I am looking for help and/or advice, not sure if your agency can help.

I need to establish paternity, or rule myself out, which ever may be the case.  My girlfriend and I split after 3 years, 3 days before the baby was born.  (7/10/08).  She says he may not be mine.

I was not allowed to be at his birth and I have not been allowed to see him.

She has all the paper work to file with the state for DNA testing but is refusing to mail it in, or so she has told me.

The girl and I are over, but if I'm the baby's father I want to care for and provide for him, I want to be able to see him.

I need help, this is causing me great stress.



email address:  [email protected]