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Messages - leeodell03

Father's Issues / Re: MAJOR DELIMA
Dec 30, 2008, 12:52:21 PM
My parents are in the same school district but she would go to a different elementary school.  In our school district there is 3 different schools.  My daughter wants to go to the same one.  I talked to my attorney and he says that she can come after any equity i have in the house when divorce is final but I'm to the point oh well chance it  LOL

Property was bought while married but only she is on loan and liable for the property.

why does the girlfriend need to be on outskirts?  Ex knows I have one now and its not a secret.  My lawyer told me that its fine and nothing wrong with it cause not like i'm gonna be to myself just cause of a divorce ya know.

Well i appreciate any help you guys have I have never been through this before and there is always TONS OF QUESTIONS>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Father's Issues / MAJOR DELIMA
Dec 24, 2008, 11:20:44 PM
Ok i'm in Missouri and wife filed for divorce (she beat my papers to court) in clay county missouri.  My questions are these.

She is filing for joint custody with her as mailing address, but wants to move out of school district my daughters in to a less quality school and my 9 yr old daughter wants to stay.  Do you think court will allow this?

She does NOT clean or keep the house clean at all and I have pictures from after I moved out of how she kept the house.  Now the house forclosed and she lives with her grandparents and house cleaning the same if not worse due to 6 dogs, 4 birds, etc... (my daughter loves animals but come on).  If i present this will it give me an advantage if i change from joint custody to going for full custody

She is 9 and always wants to stay at my house.  I'm currently living with my parents part time and with my girlfriend other time.  We can't buy a house i guess till divorce cause she can ask for equity I guess not sure but attorney thinks so.  She cries when she has to leave my house and calls me asking me to come get her now and then.  Granted she loves her mom but just lost I think.  Do you think the court will ask her where she wants to live at age of 9 yrs old? and do you think this will help my chances of getting my daughter full custody?

My wife had house in her name and vehicle in her name only on loans, my name wasn't on loan but on titles.  Do you think the court will order me to pay for either?