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Messages - kappalsd

First of all let me say that this is new for me.  I have 2 boys, 3 and 6 and i have taken care of them since they were born and i continue to do so today.  Me an their mother split up about 4 months ago and recently i started seeing someone else.  Since the split and because of my work schedule, i can only get my boys every other weekend but just today i was served child support papers.  Im a bit angry but i love my boys and really dont care about the child support that much just mainly more concerned about getting at LEAST joint custody of them. 

My money is stretched thin with everything i have going on now including student loan garnishments and hiring a lawyer isnt an option.  I have some experience in the Law field as my degree is in Criminal Justice but i know the custody process can be tedious and requires you to be very cognizant of certain laws and procedures. 

My question to anyone that knows is, who there be something that i can read such as legal docs that can assist me with my lone crusade to garner joint custody of my boys? i fighting this fight only to prolong the inevitable?  I need any assistance....i reside in Alabama so this would be under Alabama laws.

ANy info would be appreciated
