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Messages - Dave Bender

The reason I mention the girl going with the ex is, from all I have heard, she doesn't act this badly when in his care. She still has problems and yes she needs help, but to me this would seem to be a quick cooling down of things to figure out what to do next. When my girlfriend told her to stop it you're going to cause an accident when she was grabbing for the wheel, the girl tells her I don't care if you die. I'll just go live with daddy.

My girlfriend has tried the charts/rewards type things. It doesn't help much with this child. The other two are no problem.

The girl wants to live with her dad. My girlfriend has no problem with her going to live with him. He doesn't want her full time and comes up with excuses. I can maybe understand it'll be a shock to his current living situation, but when your child is in need, and you can help alleviate the situation, you would think you could put aside yourself for a moment and focus on the childs needs.
Update: my girlfriends ex says he won't take the kid and that my girlfriend needs to work it out with the kid. What? Does he not understand what is happening? Now what?
Custody Issues / Emergency Transfer Of Custody?
Mar 05, 2014, 10:57:38 AM
Hello. I'm trying to help my girlfriend out with some type of advice on what she needs to do. She has three children, the oldest being a girl who is 11. Observing the interactions of her children for some time, it would seem to me that her oldest is possible bipolar as she displays extreme emotional swings.

Her ex was abusive during their marriage (both mentally and physically) and it seems to me that the oldest, having witness this abuse for a number of years, treats her mother in much the same way her ex did. After much talk, it was decided that the child go to therapy. For the record, the ex has never been abusive to the children and the children do not have a problem with him.

The last few days, the oldest child has seem to have gone off the rails. She had threaten to throw her one sibling (who is 7) down a flight of stairs. The same day she repeatedly stabbed her other sibling with a pencil. Today it has gone over the top and now I actually fear for my girlfriends safety and the safety of the other two children. While my girlfriend was driving the children to school, the 11 year old started hitting my girlfriend and tried repeatedly to grab the steering wheel to pull the car off the road into the woods.

This girl needs help. The abuse my girlfriend has been going through at the hands of her daughter has reached a breaking point. My girlfriend has reached out to her ex in an effort for him to take custody of the child. He hasn't responded to the situation at all. I am not sure he understands the gravity of the situation. My girlfriend is afraid of what will happen later today with the child.

The situation needs to be addressed today. What can she do?