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Visitation Issues / visitation enforcement
Apr 26, 2006, 08:48:16 PM
I have a problem which is probably a common one for this site but I need to ask it for myself.

I have been divorced for almost 3 years now and am remarried with 3 step-children.  I have court ordered standard visitation with my 5 year old daughter.  My ex refuses to go by the visitation schedule.

I have to call her every weekend and ask can my daughter come over this weekend.  Usually ex will allow daughter to stay 1 night a weekend if she doesn't have anything to do with her herself.  To top it off she asks my daughter what she wants to do and if she doesn't want to come over she doesn't have to.  My daughter will stay most of the day and then ask to call her mom because she misses her and wants to go home.  She says that she never gets to see her mom because she makes her go to MY grandparents house all the time.

Another problem I have is that my daughter stays with MY grandparents about 4 nights a week and they give in to her every demand.  Which is usually where she wants to go instead of coming to my house where we have rules.  They let her eat whatever she wants which is nothing but junk food.  My daughter has 4 cavities and weighs 72 lbs.  She just recently gave up her pacifier.  I wasn't able to see her for 6 weeks because one time she had a very bad fever blister and my wife told her to wait until she was ready for bed to use the pacifier so that it didn't irritate the fever blister.  

My daughter also is smart enough to understand that if she doesn't want to stay or if things don't go her way, all she has to do is say I want to go home and her mom comes and gets her.  If I don't allow her to call her mother then she tells her I refused and I don't see her for a month.  She once went home because my wife combed her hair and it hurt.

Every time she stays with me I get a phone call about something.  Ex even asked me why my wife is the one who wipes my daughter when she goes to the restroom.  (it's because that is who she asks for.  My daughter loves my wife and is very affectionate towards her my wife treats her as her own.)

The judge tells me that The order, which he signed, is over 2 years old and has to be enforced.  Which comes to my problem that I don't have the money to get a lawyer to enforce my rights that I already have.  

Any advice or help would be appreciated.

I am from Georgia.
My ex was arrested in 2004 for posession of meth. In 2005 she had 2 dfcs cases for dirty drug screens. Recently my daughter told my grandmother that someone came and took hair from her mother's head. Now today I found out that they took my daughter and gave temporary protective custody to my ex's parents.

I'm sure that the details gave to me are not exactly accurate as they are coming from the ex. I believe that it is a police investigation is why they came to her house for the drug screening my ex says it's because she failed to finish her drug classes.

My question is why wasn't I informed and why didn't they give me the temporary custody as I have communicated, not recently however, with dcfs and let them know that I am willing to help in anyway possible and would want custody of my daughter should she be taken away.

I cannot afford a lawyer or I would already hired one to gain custody.

Can anyone help me understand what is going on.
I am from Georgia