BM agreed to the custody arrangement my fiance proposed without batting an gives them 50/50 custody. Is almost what it was...fiance was about 4 overnights shy a month of 50/50 due to BM not allowing them. About 3 hours later, after everyone had signed off on it and left, she decided to change her mind. My fiance tried to work with her by adjusting pick up and drop off times (our attorney said to absolutely not give up any overnights) so she could spend more time with her son. She begged the first day and then got nasty the next. Has upset SS by saying things to him that shouldn't have been brought up. He's only 3 and would adjust quite fine, but she was hystarical and told SS all about it. I guess my biggest concern is that if she takes us back what are our chances of losing the 50/50??? My fiances biggest worry is loosing time with his son!!! He looked like he hit the lotto when he walked out of the mediation!!! We are willing to pay what ever support is needed, just want to keep 50/50. Any advice?