Custody Orders have wording that is often used by the BM to manipulate orders to her liking.. ex: From two weeks after school dismisses for the summer vacation until 1 week before school begins in the fall, the minor children shall reside with MH. next follows BM may have 2 weeks of consecutive vvisitation with the minor child during the summer months. Our understanding is that the word shall means.. the court orders that this is to take place and the meaning of "may" is this is not court ordered and does not have to take place without being held in contempt of the order.
the court order is very vague and does not define visitation. can someone define visitation? do it always have to be an overnight stay or could it simply be a few hours each day?
the court order is very vague and does not define visitation. can someone define visitation? do it always have to be an overnight stay or could it simply be a few hours each day?