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Topics - unsureaboutthings

Custody Issues / custody
Feb 17, 2012, 03:44:51 AM
hello im new to this and wanted to get some general advice. relative going though a separation and custody is a big issue. children 5 & 9 currently, are in the care of their mother. no reason why not, good mother, children safe, happy. father is a shift worker. child support paid ever fn ontime. as he is a shift worker hard to arrange set days when he sees shildren. admit has been unwilling to commit to days/avos, father has ofetn gone month a time with no communication with children or seing them for weeks on end.

father after 3 months separated has new partner now wants to have children 2 nights a fn but not necessarily when he is off. he wnats to reduce his child support he has to pay, but the 2 nights a fn he wanst them he may be at work, either 10hrs day shifts or 12hrs night shift. he proposes that his new partner look after the children. they have only meet new partner 3 times so far, mother more than willing to work with father roster and offered father to have children when he is off, her only concern is that he has them when he is foo so children actually get to spend time with father, if he is at work she sees no point in them being at his house with new partner. she offered him to pick up children after work and take them then back to his house.

he refuses, he says she is still trying to tell him what to do. he sees no reason why children cant be at his house while he is at work and be looked after by his new partner, mother says he should be there. dates were given by mother where she agreed for children to spend overnight on days he was off. he wanst to be able to maybe work overtime days he may have them, or not have to be off work and let new partner look after children. what are his chances of getting a court order that says even though he is a shift worker, he can have children 2 nights a fn, and have his new partner of 3 mths look after them??

would hate to see them go to court, but mother doesnt see why he cant just have them when he if off, she is more than willing to accomodate this, as reason children will be with father not because she cant have thme, but so they spend quality time with father, he wanst to reduce child support payments and also give his new partner his trust in letting her look after his children. has anyone ever heard of any decisons where shift working parents have custody of children even when working?? and children are looked after a third party??