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Topics - vincentdz

Father's Issues / Correct strategy?
Jun 06, 2012, 06:16:40 AM
I tried to work on a separation agreement with attorneys. She wouldn't budge on giving me not much more than every other weekend, plus she wanted me to continue picking up from aftercare daily, where later she would pick kid up for the weekday overnights. I just wanted 50/50 legal and physical every other week, or split weeks. She's also intent on getting half of sizable assets, most of which I saved and are in my name, plus 401k, pension.

I'm in a fault state, and my attorney intends to file complaint on grounds ASAP. She has a planned move out date and to take the child, and VAR indicates her attorney will file for limited at that time. I want to surprise her and beat her to the punch, and I don't think she has any idea.

Her work schedule provides me with about 3x as much parenting time as her, and I've stepped up my parenting the past couple of months as well as kept a journal. 

I'm assuming this is my best strategy to get her to settle on my terms without trial.  Any advice for what stipulations  I might want to be included in the complaint? How much power do I have concerning settlement? The past few weeks have been very trying. Just wish I could get more than 4 hours of sleep a night. I need all the tips I can find at this point.