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Topics - bruno

Custody Issues / advice and help... please..
Jul 12, 2012, 08:59:07 AM
Hi, I am going through a divorce with 4 children. Right now, the ex. and I have temp. joint custody. We were married 7 years before we decided that it just was not working. In the state of Iowa, temp. joint custody is suppose to be EXACTLY 50/50. I have been getting the kids one extra day a week though. The biggest thing now is she has decided to go for primary custody. The original paperwork on the decree said we wanted joint custody. Nothing has changed except for her attitude.

She wanted me to sign that paper giving her primary custody but I didn't. She said the reason is because I live 45 min away from their school and I was late getting them there one time due to car problems. I said well, I can still have joint custody even if it is better that they stay with you during school. She exploded and said " that's ridiculous and you are a irresponsible father and now I'm going for full custody. I do love my kids and have never hurt them.

I have heard that joint custody is really popular in Iowa but I'm still scared. What should I do, I know I'm going to fight it, but how should i prepare? Any help would be appreciated. NOTE- I think that the reason she is trying for this is because she receives section 8 housing, and numerous other benefits that would be stripped from her if she only has joint custody.....