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Topics - jcolt

5 months later and I have went without seeing my now 8 month old daughter since my wife ran off to Florida overnight January 14th. I have spent thousands and thousands of dollars and not so much had a temporary relief hearing. I have not spoken or seen my wife or daughter in the last 5 months, not so much as a picture of my baby since she was 3 months old. I finally got a temporary relief hearing for June 10th and the day before the hearing at the last hour her attorney files for a motion to continue. The judge although mad grants the MTC and sets a new hearing date 3 days later. Her lawyers complain and ask for mediation, etc, etc and the judge gets pissed. He denies every one of there stall tactics. Today at the hearing they ask for a new judge. Please God tell me what I can do to get my daughter back here? I had it won today at the hearing and they ask for a new judge and my wife and daughter head back to Florida. What are some dirty tricks my lawyer can play? We will never win if we don't start playing they're game. They will stall and stall to allow my wife to keep my daughter in Florida. I cannot go one more month without my baby girl. It's killing me! Her lawyer and mine had an agreement and they did a complete 180. My wife will do anything to keep me from seeing my baby. I can't take this anymore. Please God help.
My wife attacked me in out bedroom and I called the police. The next day she filed for and received a false op against me. That night moved to florida without my knowledge with our 3 month old daughter. Everything she said in the op was a lie. She stated dates of abuse that I never even saw her and others where we didn't even have an argument. I have all the evidence to prove this. I have a really good attorney and after having her served with divorce papers and temporary relief hearing court date papers she now has a good attorney also. I violated the op by answering her phone call back in February. I went to jail and when I got out I went to the op hearing and had it dropped as she wouldn't come back to illinois for the hearing. Probably because she thought the judge would make her stay in Illinois. A condition of my bond was a no contact order. I was distraught an as ignorant as it is I contacted her through Facebook and email both times going back to jail. Both times telling her how much I love her and the baby. She would set me up by adding me on facebook or posting status updates that were obviously to break me down and I fell for it. She has had the states attorneys office believing she is so afraid to come back to illinois for court. I have never ever hit her or even threatened her and she has to play afraid and the innocent young mother to ensure she gets to live in florida with her mom and my now 8 month old baby. Tuesday I have a hearing for temoray relief. I'm hoping the judge will decide my daughter must live here in illinois. My main goal is to have my daughter back living here in her home state. Then I can get at least visitation as I have not layer eyes on my daughter in 5 months. Here's my question. Last Thursday my wife's attorney mailed my attorney a letter stating that "if your client will sign over all rights to my client my client will sign any and all affidavits that help your client in his criminal case and future more never have to pay child support." Will this help me ??? And what are the odds the judge will let my wife return my daughter to florida? She left and moved to florida back in January without my knowledge before divorce was started.
I left illinois and moved to florida 5 months ago before my husband had a chance to file divorce. Will the judge make me move back when I go to court or will he say I've lived here long enough and me and the baby can stay living in florida.
My husband called the police on me after an argument in January. The next day I filed for an op against him. I did not return to the hearing and it was dropped. I just want to live in florida. My husband served me with divorce papers here in florida. He was arrested for dv and a condition of bond was a no contact order. He violated that order 3 times and went to jail after I told my states attorney advocate. Those 3 times he kept trying to get me to come back home because he misses me and the baby. I just want him to leave us alone. He has a good lawyer and now I do also. Tuesday me and the baby have to be back in illinois because my soon to be ex husband and his lawyer have a temporary relief hearing. He is fighting to have the baby living back in illinois. I have job down here in florida and my mom watches my daughter while I work. At the hearing Tuesday will the judge make us stay in illinois?