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Topics - Runnermom55

Dear Socrateaser / Advice about lawyer issues?
Dec 03, 2015, 08:14:10 AM
This is my first question and I hope this is the right place to ask.  I going through a divorce. It started last January when my husband and I had a domestic dispute where a temporary restraining order was issued. I dropped that and we agreed to civil restraints. Wrote up an agreement about child support, visitation, living arrangements and all that.

I decided to file for divorce and my attorney started the process.....well fast forward to September and I get a call from the Superior Court saying that my divorce would be dropped. They didn't even realize I had an attorney. I had been in touch with my attorney every month and she just kept saying I'm working on it. I have not received child support(we have 4 children).

She has since put in a default thing to keep my divorce going. I am wondering if I should just let her go. I went to find out about my children's child support and they couldn't tell me anything because I have an attorney. Just that nothing has been filed since April and 2 more papers were needed.

My husband and I are on talking terms and we live apart and really don"t care about the divorce but I do need help with our children. I am just frustrated and have paid her a large sum of money and fell like I've gotten nothing in return.

Thanks for your advice.