Yeah, document it all in a journal. At some point, you may be able to take action if it's serious enough.
In the meantime, find ways to blow off steam and/or take your mind off it. What works for others may not work for you, and vice versa.
Options including finding a punching bag, working out, going for a run, getting a bottle of wine and a funny-as-heck video, go to a shooting range, vent and rage in an anonymous forum (e.g., this one), or talk to a counselor about it (but don't tell anyone you're seeing a counselor, so nothing is ever subpoenaed in the future).
If there was a magic pill, millions of us would be taking it.
Just cope as best you can, and in time you'll find that it bothers you less and less. Eventually, it may even become comical.
Good luck.
In the meantime, find ways to blow off steam and/or take your mind off it. What works for others may not work for you, and vice versa.
Options including finding a punching bag, working out, going for a run, getting a bottle of wine and a funny-as-heck video, go to a shooting range, vent and rage in an anonymous forum (e.g., this one), or talk to a counselor about it (but don't tell anyone you're seeing a counselor, so nothing is ever subpoenaed in the future).
If there was a magic pill, millions of us would be taking it.
Just cope as best you can, and in time you'll find that it bothers you less and less. Eventually, it may even become comical.
Good luck.