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Messages - babyfat

Father's Issues / RE: Alienation
Dec 03, 2007, 12:40:43 PM
If you google Parental Aleination Syndrome many good sites come up. Many go into detail on how to counter act some of the damage being done.
I'm so happy that it worked out for you but be on guard still. I had almost exactly the same situation happen. My daughter who was 9 at the time and my boyfriends daughter who was 6 at the time over heard a conversation on breast feeding. The two kids though it was funny. The six year old told her mother what breast feeding was but the mother freaked and it set off a two year chain of events that still go on today. The mom of the six year old called cps, stated that my 9 year old tried to get milk from the 6 year old "boob", we had been having problems with her pulling stuff for months, the social worker came out interviewed the kids then us we told her everything including all the little stunts this woman pulled in the last few months, and we got a letter from the cps office that the kids were safe in the home. Heard nothing more for several months. We thought it was over then she pressed Domestic violance charges that she made up and could not have happened. This got thrown out of court so she made another alligation of sex abuse between the two kids. The worker decided to open a case because there was a previous report of the same nature so it could have happened. It just spiraled downward from there. What I have discovered was if I had documented better, recorded some conversations, and took pictures of everything I could have proved my case so much better. Now we have to prove it in circut court and I can only prove my child didn't do anything to this other child I can not prove all the abuse this insane woman is doing to her own child. I'm sure my case is a worst case of what can happen and I hope yours is over but I have seen simular cases like mine so don't think your in the clear yet.
I have to just hope this will all work out in the end and as a very good social worker told me "you reap what you sew" and this evil woman will get what she desevers in the end. This worker has almost 30 years experience so she probably knows what she is talking about. She even said she has seen it happen before and it never works out for the evil bitter ex's in the end.