He can see it because our county court is online. That's how I have known things are wrong. The attorney said the problem is judges go off the print out from the attorney general on arrears and their print out shows no arrears because they have never put in 2006 orders so they have the incorrect support orders but they have garnished the amount they put in. The June 4 court date is to modify current child support and suspend the 2003 orders. The lawyer stated is absurd since the 2003 orders were suspended upon the judge signing orders in 2006. He also said they actually didn't even file to modify medical support but the motion. To.modify child support could be stretched to include medical so he's not as concerned with that. I guess there's no point in bothering with this if they can do this when they please. I can go back to court and end up right back here again since they obviously don't have to be accountable or fix their mistakes. The salt in this wound is that I agreed to a MUCH lower amount of CS in 2006 and they garnished even less. I also carried the I sur acne and paid 100% out of pocket so the NCP got away with $430/mo for child and medical support (total) on a special needs child. The attorney looked it all over and figured up that I'm owed closer to $15,000.00 plus interest. I don't know why my son has to go without support because the AG made a mistake. RIDICULOUS!!!!