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Forward to"Shattered Innocence: An American Tragedy"

American fathers are deceivingly led down a primrose path every day within the family courts, only to discover they have somehow ventured into the Land Of Gender Bias.

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For Better Or Worth

"For Better Or Worth", from the Sydney Morning Herald

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Modern Day Slavery by Becky Kiely & Tonya Klar

Non-custodial parents are sold into slavery every single day, by the very government sworn to protect them from such treatment.

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The War Against Boys by Christina Hoff Sommers

The full text of the Christina Hoff Sommers article from her book "The War Against Boys : How Misguided Feminism Is Harming Our Young Men"

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Fathers Matter by Jayne Keedle

In matters of child custody, dads too often get a raw deal.

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