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The Layman's Guide To Being A Good Client

This guide is intended to provide some basic DO's and DON'Ts for clients involved in litigation, with an emphasis towards divorce proceedings. Think of it as a list of things that he'd probably tell you if he realized you didn't already know them.

Now, let's get one thing straight right away:

This guide is NOT intended to replace your attorney's advice!

Attorneys are often so immersed in the legal "ins and outs" of courts and litigation proceedings that the kind of stuff in this guide is second-nature to them. You, on the other hand, may not have a clue as to the importance (and consequences) of some of your seemingly innocent actions.

Some of the material presented here is just plain common-sense, while some of it is not. Without a doubt, which items fall into what category will vary from person to person. Believe me when I say that some of the material in here was learned the hard way.

For the sake of readability, this guide refers to your attorney as "him" or "he" and your spouse as "her" or "she". Don't take it personally. I know that attorneys and spouses come in both genders. I just didn't feel like typing "him/her" and "he/she" over and over again.
Click through the sections below. Your attorney will thank you for it, and in turn, they'll be able to do a better job on your case.

  1. The Layman's Guide To Being A Good Client - Main Page
  2. You, Your Attorney And The Telephone
  3. E-mail Use and Abuse
  4. Your Behavior On The Witness Stand
  5. Attorney-Client Privilege
  6. Discovered Information
  7. Your Behavior
  8. Dealing With Opposing Counsel
  9. Negotiations
  10. The In's and Out's of Deposition
  11. Keeping A Logbook
  12. The Attorney/Client Relationship

Contempt, Child Support Enforcement and You

If you just received notice that you are being charged with contempt of court for not meeting your child support obligation, take this notice seriously!

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Common Custody Traps For Parents

Avoid these common custody traps and your case will proceed faster, cost less, and likely have a more favorable outcome.

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Criminal Custodial Interference

A comprehensive list of State statutes covering criminal custodial interference.

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Tips for Parents Seeking Custody by Vince Regan

Generally speaking, there are some concrete things you can do when seeking custody of your kids that will better your chances.

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